Hello there. Please help! I am new to the site after a recommendation from my sister.
My son has never made it through the night without being breast fed at least once. Recently it has become progressively worse, often feeding sometimes as frequently as 2 hourly. He also will not take a bottle or dummy despite consistent efforts! He has also stopped being able to put himself to sleep since moving house and as a resuly bedtime is becoming a nightmare when it used to be a breeze!
I am trying to feed more frequently during the day and only feed for as shorter period as possible at night to settle him. Absolutely nothing else will settle him, and he doesn't respond to pick up/put down - in fact it makes him very cross! He has also become fussy with solids during the day and has just cut his first two teeth .... at the moment all of the odds feel stacked against us!
Due to a very bad start, where he spent 2 weeks in special care after nearly losing him on days 2 & 3, both my husband and myself find it impossible to leave hime to cry and have been guilty of molly-coddling him to some extent, resulting in him associating feeding, cuddling and being rocked with sleep.
I was hoping someone may have some advice on where I should start! He is a very happy boy during the day but night times are becoming a nightmare and I feel as though I have no life, as I have not gone out in the evening since his birth....
I am finding most of the advice I read is mainly geared at bottle fed babies ... I wish!