Author Topic: How young can you REALLY start the E.A.S.Y program?  (Read 1416 times)

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Offline jennf

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How young can you REALLY start the E.A.S.Y program?
« on: February 24, 2006, 17:23:47 pm »

I have a 5 week old and I just bought the Baby Whisperer book off of Amazon, so I will tell you that I havent read it yet.  I do want to know when I can REALLY start the program?  Should I wait until 3 months  and just track my DS schedule that he has? Very confused!  I used the Ferber method with my first son back in 1995 and I can tell you that it saved my life, but with my third son I want o do something different, hence the new book.  ANy Advice??

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Re: How young can you REALLY start the E.A.S.Y program?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 17:38:11 pm »
Hi jennf!

OK congrats on your new baby first!! Well i started with EASY since day 1, but i din't follow a schedule per se, for at least a month, what i did was follow the order of things, for example: i never let DS eat to sleep, allways made sure and waked him if he got asleep during a feeding, you'll say "how do you wake a JUST fed and Sleepy newborn) well, i changed his diaper, and that alone counted as activity time, then i left him to sleep again, i never fed him if only an hour had past after his last fed, and at nights i kept to no lights or very dimm lights, and i didn't talked to him at night either, never rocked him  to sleep, allways slept on his crib. And after a month or so he accually started to get hungry every 2 1/2 or 3 hours, so that's when i started the schedule of feeding every 3hrs, and when i also started waking him from his naps to feed. And by that time i already new his sleepy cues, so i got him to his naps and everything. The pat-shush method does work, but there were times when i had to pat-shushed hi  for at least 45 min, but do try to keep to it, because now my DS doesn't need it anymore, and he can sleep only by placing him in his crib. We are currently on a 4hr EASY, and he naps really well (2hrs or so) and he sleeps pretty good at night too (doesn't need feeding at night anymore).

Well what i'm trying to tell you, is that EASY really works, it can be hard... REALLY HARD at firts, but its totally worth it!!!

Good luck and let me know how thing s work out!!!
[img width= height=][/img]  [img width= height=][/img]

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Re: How young can you REALLY start the E.A.S.Y program?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 17:55:13 pm »
Hello!  :)

Congrats on your little one!  :)

Here is a link in regards to starting EASY from birth:

What I found was that is was very worth it as well, but I'll be honest...It takes a lot of time and patience.  If I was going to be a SAHM though, I probably wouldn't have been so "strict" with it, but since I work 3X a week I wanted my dd to be able to sleep independently before starting daycare (at 10 wks) so that I wouldn't have to worry about them letting her CIO (even though she said she wouldn't, I just felt better knowing myself she wouldn't).

If being more laid back, the main thing I would concentrate on for the first 3 months is a feeding routine and making sure to wake him every 3 hrs.  And then letting him go as long as he can after bedtime.    You may also want to incorporate putting him down awake vs feeding to sleep/rocking to sleep/etc  to help encourage independent sleep. 

HTH  :)
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

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Re: How young can you REALLY start the E.A.S.Y program?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2006, 18:04:39 pm »
We started EASY right from the get go but needed to tweak his sleep a bit after my IL visited.  It is defitnitely worth it to do it early.