Author Topic: EASY for 10 month old????  (Read 1145 times)

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EASY for 10 month old????
« on: February 25, 2006, 10:13:03 am »
Hi all,

Firstly can I say that the new site is great!

OK, need advise - my DS is now 10.5 months and i'm not sure really if he's on the right EASY routine.  His days are as follows:

7am  - Wake and have 5-6oz formula
8am  - Yogurt & Slice of Toast
9.30am - Nap

11am - 5-6oz formula
12.30 - lunch (usually sandwich with some fruit for dessert)
1.30 - Nap

3pm - 5-6oz formula
5pm - Dinner (usually spaghetti or some kind of pasta with dessert after)

7pm - 5-6oz bottle
7.15 - Bath
7-30 - 7.45 - Bed for the night

I've been advised that DS needs to drop the 2 daytime bottles as he's having too much formula, should i give him solids before his bottles, although i did try that and he still drank the thing!  He has a huge appetite and will eat anything (which i know is a blessing) but he's not fat as he burns all his calories running round the house.

If anyone has any advise it would be much appreciated.  Thanks v. much
Mummy to James David (13/04/2005)
Mummy to Oliver Mark (31/05/2010)

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Re: EASY for 10 month old????
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 10:28:30 am »
I am not sure where you are located but here in australia that routine including the noted amounts of formula woudl be considered dd2 is 12 mo and drinks that much formula in 3 bottles.  the only difference is that here you start doing solids before milk from 9-10 mo so you would give breakfast and then give formula anywhere form 1/2 hr - 1 1/2 hrs after bkfst and so on with lunc and dinner so you encourage them to take as much solids as they want without filling up on formula first.

BTW my lo has her bottles at least an hour after solids and still at 12 mo prefers the fluid to the solids so i say go with what your lo needs/wants. if he is burning off that fuel and you know he needs it then give it to him (it is not like you are just giving him endless amounts of formula etc) my dd2 is quite big but this is how she is and no matter what variety we offer her at meals... she still eats only SO much of solids and SO much of milk - you are doing great.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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