Author Topic: won't sleepwithout me  (Read 1629 times)

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Offline gracie bear

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won't sleepwithout me
« on: February 28, 2006, 13:21:01 pm »
My LO is 3 months and loved going to her nana's and such til recently. Everytime she sees or goes to someone else near her bed time even daddy, she screams and screams until she's handed back to me.I don't spoil her, can she be going through a shy stage already??I thought they only happened around 6 or 7 months. any thoughts???
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Re: won't sleepwithout me
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2006, 19:50:43 pm »
i would be inclined to think she was maybe starting to have preferences for certain people.  around that time, they start to become more aware of their surroundings, whereas a newborn just wants warm arms holding them.  since she spends so much time with you, she likes you an awful lot. 

i agree with you - 3 months is too little for separation anxiety.   :D
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Re: won't sleepwithout me
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2006, 02:01:05 am »
I was going to post pretty much the same question, but with a 9 month old.  I have been doing sleep training with her since christmas, and I can put her down to sleep independantly anytime.  We have overcome the 45 min nap monster too!  But now it seems that no one else can put her to sleep.  My mom tried a few times, and LO just cries and cries, looks at the door and "gets mad" as my mom describes.  DH won't put her down to cry, but picks her up right away and rocks her to sleep with music (which is why I don't let him do it very often!).

As you said, she has preferences, but how do we fix the problem?  Other than spending less time with me (I am hoping to get her into day care as soon as I get a job, but not sure when that will happen) is there anything else I can do to get her to sleep independantly with other people?  I hope I have not become a prop!

Jennifer (& Ashleigh)

If I have broken any posting "rules" but adding this my apologies, I don't know all the etiquette! :-[

Offline gracie bear

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Re: won't sleepwithout me
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2006, 10:52:30 am »
well I won't be able to slove the problem this week...she now has a cold and I'm not letting her out of my sight.(I know that's bad) but my mother-in-law scared me like crazy telling me stories of her kids not breathing and such. I feel like her being sick is my fault, like I could have prevented it. Is this a normal feeling?
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Offline Jaime

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Re: won't sleepwithout me
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2006, 23:20:23 pm »
gracie bear - you're very normal.  mommies always feel that we could have prevented things from happening to our kids.  sometimes, it's just unavoidable.  (like colds or banged knees!!)  you're a great mommy. 

EASYconfusedMom - at 9 months, you probably are dealing with separation anxiety.  also, you should probably have a discussion (not list of demands) with your dh about the types of activities that do promote independent sleep, and what types of things don't.  make him part of the bedtime routine.  eventually, have him start to put her down for bed every few nights.  make him deal with the fallout too.   ;) 
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