My daughter is 16 months old and had colic for the first 5 months of her life.
once the colic subsided we started the task of helping our daughter to learn to go to sleep on her own - this was very successful - we have a great bedtime routine and she points to her cot when she is ready to go to bed!! however - by around 12pm - she starts to wake peiodically. This has been on-going since she was born - and we have had good months and bad - but the last 4 weeks have been terrible - my little girl simply is not getting enough sleep - she averages around 9 hours per night.
We have found that she wakes screaming and a few minutes after she wakes she passes wind - then settles - this happens quite a few times and is now resulting in long periods of wakefulness as she simply cannot get herslef back to sleep - has anybody experienced this? is there any remedy i can give her to help with this build up of night time wind? gripe water does not touch it.