I always wonder what to do with my LO (14 mos) too, it seems like we have the same old books and toys in the house. She's very clingy & needy when I'm around, she's always been that way.
Here's something I noticed recently. When we go out during the day ... take a walk to the supermarket, go to the library, go to the park, go to the mall, etc (either in one big outing or a couple short outings) ... DD seems to be less "clingy" when we're back home and will be content to play indepedently with her books/toys/etc for a longer time. I think she just gets bored with the stuff at home, so going outside to get some fresh air and a change of scenery makes all the stuff at home look "new" and more inviting.
I don't get much done at home, but DD doesn't need constant attention 100% of the time. I play with her a bit, then let her play on her own, then I engage her again, then let her do her own thing and wait for her to come to me when she needs attention again, etc.
Yeah, it's way too easy to turn on the TV and let our LOs get sucked into it. We try to limit DD's TV time, she gets up to one Wiggles show which is less than half hour long.
At what age did you introduce crayons, paper, and drawing? I'm afraid DD will just put the crayon in her mouth, or just get crayon smudges all over herself.