Hey guys....thought I'd pop in for some moral support. I was going through a very similar drop in supply around 8-11 weeks. We were only BFing for the morning feed, so I honestly thought that my supply would dwindle out pretty quickly, but to my surprise, around 14 weeks, it seems to have leveled off. He is happy to BF in the morning on demand for the first 40 min or so of the day. I usually bring him into bed with me/us, lay down & allow him to nurse from either side as much as he likes. It helps I think when he takes his favorite blankie in with us as then he relaxes a bunch more & is happier to stay calm & quiet while nursing. WIthout it, he can get too 'awake' and want to jump all over us & pet the cat at the foot of the bed, etc. So, don't despair yet. Hope may be just around the corner.