Author Topic: Bad egg allergy ??  (Read 2117 times)

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Bad egg allergy ??
« on: March 06, 2006, 20:26:48 pm »

Wondered if anyone else had this problem, I tried DS on some scrambles egg for his tea tonight (first time), within seconds he had p.vomited the egg and his whole bottle of formula he had just had (8oz).

Red blotches with spots on (like heat spots) appeared exactly where is sick had been i.e under chin on face and on head, when I took his bib and top off over his head. I changed him and called the doctors to see if I could speak to a doctor they said he would call me back ASAP. 
In the meantime DS has done his first roll from back to front upstairs and I missed it.  ::)

I went to doctors and he said that he doubted whether it was an allegery but if it was it would be pretty severe to come out straight away! He asked me to do a test on DS's leg or body with a small bit of the scrambled egg - that would determine wether  it was an allergy or not. I did keep telling him that the red blotches are where his skin came in contact with egg.

I tried it when I got home on his leg and sure enough it came up red in a matter of minutes.  :o

I am now worried   :'(, doctor advised me to call them in the morning to let them know if it came up red.

Is this a temporary thing, has anyone else had the same problem?


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 20:30:21 pm by Calums_Mum »
Lauren x

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Re: Bad egg allergy ??
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 22:54:17 pm »
My dad is severely allergic to eggs, so we were extra-careful when introducing egg to dd#1. The only time I got her to eat scrambled eggs she got all red around her mouth. She eats stuff with eggs just fine though...

If it is an egg allergy, go to an allergy doctor. Egg allergies are a pain!!!

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Re: Bad egg allergy ??
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 10:33:34 am »
Thats what happened everywhere the egg touched it turned red, so is it an alergy?
Lauren x

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Re: Bad egg allergy ??
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 10:41:19 am »
my girlfriends dd reacted to egg as well she was advised to stay away from egg until at least 3 years old at which time she may have overcome the allergy, i would say it is an allergy to egg, what you need to look into is if it is a problem with things containing egg, hope your doctor is more helpful to you tomorrow

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Re: Bad egg allergy ??
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 11:03:25 am »
I'd say its an allergy.
My mum told me about when she was giving egg to my brother and he didn't even get any in his mouth it just touched his skin and he cane up in red blotches. She took all egg out his diet and was fine ever since, he won't even try egg now and hes 22!!
I was carefull when giving egg to all 3 boys but they've been fine.
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Re: Bad egg allergy ??
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2006, 12:45:46 pm »
My son also has an egg allergy, we found this out from the Flu vaccination at 6 months old.  Same thing: hives, swollen eyes, runny nose.  This also happens if he eats anything with egg in it, including baby food!!!  Be VERY careful and read the labels as baby food (even thought you should not introduce egg until after 1), contains egg and milk!!!!!!!! 

Sorry to say, but it sounds like an allergy to me.  Also, I heard that eggs contain sulphur, it could be a sulpher allergy.

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Re: Bad egg allergy ??
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 20:02:39 pm »
It does sound like an egg allergy.  I think it's usually the egg white that's the problem though - here in NZ we are advised we can introduce egg yolk at 6m, but egg white only from 1yr.  Having said that, a friend's daughter also had a reaction to egg yolk though.

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Re: Bad egg allergy ??
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 21:16:44 pm »
I think it's usually the egg white that's the problem though

So true, usually it's the protein in it, called albumin, that is the culprit. That is what my dad is allergic to it, he can't have the yolks because it's "contaminated". When he was a kid and my grandparents lived out in the country, when they found eggs inside a chicken to be cooked, those eggs were always for my dad as they weren't contaminated yet and he could eat them just fine.
Albumin is also present in shark and shark-like fish, and a few strange other things, like crab-like products.

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