It seems that you have a good routine in place. At 8.5 months and as she gets older, you'll find that she can be much more flexible. I personally tended to wake my dd from naps just to keep us on track for the day, and to preserve her other naps. What I mean is that if I were to let her sleep too long for the am nap (even now at 13 mos) she wouldn't have as good of a pm nap. Babies tend to only need so much day sleep, and if they get it all in one chunk, they might not sleep well for other naps, and then by the evening they are zonked. Anyway, if you feel she is ready to go to bed early, just feed her early. If she's eating well the rest of the day, she should be fine overnight even if she doesn't take a full bedtime feed. Of course, every baby is different. But, no, I wouldn't suggest going back to the dreamfeed either; Tracy actually suggested dropping that around 7 months anyway.