Once my son turned 2.5 months, I find it very hard to make plans with friends or plan timed activites. Whenever someone wants to get together at a certain hour I feel as if I can never commit because I dont know if elliot will be napping or not.
I think elliot is touchy. He doesnt care for his carseat and doesnt nap in it (unless he has cried a whie and is overtired) or a swing or much else unless its soft and flat like a bed. He really prefers his crib. While this is great, its also hard for me to get out of the house. Any advice?
He is only 3 months old and we have been trying 3 hour EASY for almost 2 weeks now. Some days are good, other days arent.
I just had to cancel plans with a friend today and I know she was thinking that I shouldnt cancel plans like this for him...because she thinks I am just encouraging his fussines....
any advice?