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Offline babyjohn

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Starting easy
« on: March 11, 2006, 22:04:43 pm »
We starting easy today my LO is 2mt and I am not sure that we are doing it right. We have done what the books says. The problem 1) my son falls asleep on the bottle and only eats for 10 min, also he consumes  2 oz at the most .We have tried to keep him awake and nothing works. I know that this is consistent with a snacker and I am trying to break that by sticking to the book for the first week. We also can't keep him awake for more than 10 min of A even with a diaper change. He does not sleep well and I know that this is because he is not eating well. He will only sleep maybe 30min and the rest of his nap time we try and keep him in the crib. We sooth him and we usually can get a few more mins before he wakes up. Is there a genrally time frames for crying when he is in his bed before we go in a and sooth? I have the 2 min 5 min and 8 min rule. He sleeps great at night and takes the full 4oz that is recommended... We are getting a tiny bit frustrated and need some help.  Thank you 

Offline corrina01

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Re: Starting easy
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2006, 10:28:24 am »
How old is he?  Was he premature?  How much did he weigh?  What bottles are you using?  How often does he feed?

Can you post his sort of routine please.  Thanks.
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline babyjohn

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Re: Starting easy
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2006, 14:01:14 pm »
My lo is 2mt and he was 3 weeks early, he weighed 8.2 and has been gaining weigh ever since. The routine has been structured like in the book the issues are what I listed in my other e-mail... please let me know if that helps.

Offline corrina01

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Re: Starting easy
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2006, 17:19:04 pm »
So you are on a 3 hr EASY and he is 2 months, and he only spends 10mins eating, but he only takes 2oz, and his A time is only 10 mins.

You didn't say how many times how many times he is fed.  Is every 3 hours?

Also, you didn't say what bottles he is using. 

My DD was 3 weeks premature and she was using the medium flow teat at this age.  Maybe he is bored with the slow flow teat,  you could switch to a medium flow teat,  see how he gets on with that, if it is too fast, switch back. 

Between the ages of 0-3months they are developing their nightime sleep, between the ages of 3-6 months they develop their daytime sleep. 

Don't worry about extending the A time for now, try in a couple of weeks.

For naps, go in when he cries, he doesn't know how to go through to the next sleep cycle.  There are no time frames for crying, if that is I need you cry that is when you go in, if it is a fussy sort of cry, don't.

Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline babyjohn

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Re: Starting easy
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2006, 19:18:07 pm »
Sorry I am so tired... he is using a med flow teat  (the soothie bottle, we tried the avent and he was gagging to much)he seems to be doing pretty well with the bottle that we are using.
We are trying to fed him every 3 hours like the book said. It is a struggle to get him to the three hour mark. Today he did ok. he woke up earlier that normal, but fed really well (better then yesterday) 3oz in 25 min, but nap time is terrible. He only slept for 30 min and we have kept him in his crib and only gone in when he has that I need you cry. So I am not sure how to meet his needs.
here is his routine for today.
Woke: 5:40
E: 545-610
S:640-8:30 nap time he only slept 40 min out of the 1 1/2 hour nap
S:940- still nap time.

I guess where I am a little fuzzy is if it is nap time and he is not sleeping should I leave him in his crib (as long as he is not crying the I need your cry) the full 1 1/2? When he does that I need you cry should I take him out of his crib and sooth him and put him back in (which I have been doing). How long should I sooth him for? I am getting so many diffrent ways to do things and nothing is working.Another question is that when he has the 1 1/2 hour nap time and wakes up there is still a good 30 min before eat time. What should I do with the time in between? Can he nap 2 hours if he is really tired?
I hope that this helps and if you need anything else please let me know. I really appreciate your help!!!!! Sorry that I have so many questions. I am just a little unclear and I would like to know how other mom do it. Thank you