So you are on a 3 hr EASY and he is 2 months, and he only spends 10mins eating, but he only takes 2oz, and his A time is only 10 mins.
You didn't say how many times how many times he is fed. Is every 3 hours?
Also, you didn't say what bottles he is using.
My DD was 3 weeks premature and she was using the medium flow teat at this age. Maybe he is bored with the slow flow teat, you could switch to a medium flow teat, see how he gets on with that, if it is too fast, switch back.
Between the ages of 0-3months they are developing their nightime sleep, between the ages of 3-6 months they develop their daytime sleep.
Don't worry about extending the A time for now, try in a couple of weeks.
For naps, go in when he cries, he doesn't know how to go through to the next sleep cycle. There are no time frames for crying, if that is I need you cry that is when you go in, if it is a fussy sort of cry, don't.