thanks for all your kind responses. this is actually Gracie's dad today - we posted our initial rant together! It's so nice to know people are here to help... we've agreed a plan of how we're going to tackle the next week or so, and we're going to make sure one or both of us keeps posting to let you know how we're doing, with more questions if needed!!!
a bit of an update sp far - we felt we had a massive breakthrough on Sunday night (after posting the message) - Gracie slept so much better, with few wakings and was easier to settle. The difference: we put her on her front for the first time ever. However, last night was not so good with mum up patting and sshh'ing for two hours between 1.30 and 3.30 and Dad doing the same 3.30 to 5.30. gracie did then sleep till 7.45 which was comparitive bliss.
In answer to your points..
- LOVE the idea of moving the night feed to 10 - are going to try this tonight - fingers crossed!!
- we feel you could well be right about the food issues... we actually dropped the final solid feed on Sunday and yesterday (and replaced with formula) so hopefully this gives her more milk in her tum, and less digestive probs
- we've tried to give her a toy, but she's not really gone for it - we will persist!
- we tried to settle in cot in the day yesterday, but it was SUCH a nightmare we gave in - are going to try to get a better blackout blind, as fear this is the problem
- if we leave her she will get herself VERY upset very quickly, so we feel our best route currently is to soothe in her cot and avoid picking her up
- our settling in truth is probably more of a pat/sshh - we try to avoid picking her up at all costs and will gentle soothe until she goes quiet and then stop all touch/noise unless she starts to wind up again, and slowly re-introduce a noise or light touch
- we've only got the first book - THe BW solves your problems duly bought!!
Thanks so much again... feel bouyed by your postings.. keep em coming!
In particular, do you think our soothing method should give us results, or is replacing one piece of accidental parenting with another?