Hi- I'm a new mom. Maxwell is 4 weeks today and we are accidental parents! I realized there was a problem last week when Max would only settle with me, or more specifically with a breastfeed. He was feeding anywhere from every hour to every 3 hours. Also he won't nap for more than 15 min in his cot. Unfortunately I put him in the bouncy chair a few times to get a few things done around the house- he loved it, fell asleep instantly and napped for 2 hours. I might have let him do this a few times- and now we really have a problem as he screams the minute I try to put him in the cot.
So I tried EASY. Our first day went quite well and he slept like a charm at night, skipping a feed altogether. Since then it has been a mess! Yesterday was the worst- here is how it went.
A- minimal
E- 8:30am, had to distract for 1/2 hour as fussy
A- tummy time, happy
S- yawning 9, tried to have a wind down but by 10:15 he was livid! I caved and put him in his bouncy chair ... he slept happily until 11:30
E-11:30, fed poorly and seemed tired
A- minimal, seemed upset and fussy
S- at 12:30 he seemed hungry again, gave a small top up but didn't settle him so I tried putting him to bed. I worked with him for 1 hour, and saw him drift off then wake up 7 times! At 1:30 my husband got home from work, and we had an errand to run, so he went into the carseat and slept until 3:30- had to wake up for feed for fear of losing night hours.....
E-3:30, sleepy, poor feed
A/s- went straight to sleep after feed, put in cot asleep
E- 5 feed, good and happy
A- bathtime 6pm
S- This is where the battle started. Seemed very tired- yawning, fussing, keeping eyes closed. Tried in cot with swaddle, pu/pd and pat/shush until 7 when he was livid. He started rooting more at that point so gave a feed.
E- 7pm
A- the crying continues and Max seems unbelievably tired- breaking my heart! He wouldn't settle at all. It only seemed worse anytime we went near the bedroom. He cried almost continuously until 9pm.
E- 9pm- seemed like the right time according to sample schedule, but am I worsening the association of sleep and booby at this point?
S- fell asleep at the boob, moved to cot, he woke a few times but settled nicely all around
S- went straight back to sleep
S- went back to sleep but fussed, husband changed him at 6:15, put him back to bed. Continued to fuss- I got up at 7, he has slept in my arms until now- 8:30.
The day before yesterday was quite similar. Unfortunately I keep caving in and reverting to old techniques. However last night I really didn't know what to do at 9pm, because it really was a feed time and what do you do if he falls asleep at the breast? I have tried a soother, sometimes he takes it and settles, sometimes it makes him madder.
I feel like I'm making the problem worse by trying this, but can't go on as previously because he can't sleep in a bouncy chair forever, nor can I be the only one to put him to sleep!!! HELP!