Author Topic: How to transition from 3-4 hr routine  (Read 1123 times)

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Offline carinah

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How to transition from 3-4 hr routine
« on: March 17, 2006, 18:10:30 pm »
Hi!  Back again after 4 weeks in hospital for PND......YUK, but better now and close to being released :o)

My baby is 4 month 1 week and on 3 hr routine.  But I can't quite understand how I get her on the 4 hr routine?  I can see how I get from 10 to 11 am but not from our current 1 pm to 3 pm.  Can anyone please explain with a detailed step by step guide as I am confused.

I am concerned about the afternoon feed as the current 4 pm feed will move closed to the 7 pm feed when trying to transition (until I get rid of the one feed completely)

Thanks heaps (this message may belong in feeding section, but not sure??)


Carina (and baby Sofia)

Offline Beam79

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Re: How to transition from 3-4 hr routine
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2006, 18:53:40 pm »
In the BW Solves all your problems book, tracy goes into great detail about how to transition adn page 230 i think it is, there is a plan wih timings etc... except they don;t add up., However the general idea is to extend their awake time by 15 mins over 3 days, then half an hour until you get to 2 hours awake time-my understanding is that you only work on one awake time at a time, starting with the morning and the first nap. Is that making any sense?
We are trying to transition too, we are at feeds at 7,11,3,5 (only a snack but he can't seem to go till 7 without it!) and final feed before bed at 7. I think the key is to follow the LO's cues and be fairly flexible and use EASY as a guideline. Hope this helps x