I didn't know if I should post this here or night wakings so I did both. Sorry!
Jency normally wakes up between 7-7:30 has 3 meals of 3oz has one snack fo 1oz, BF 4x during day, has 2 naps =3hours, bed between 7:30-8:00, DF 10pm 4-5oz, then wakes once to nurse.
Night #1
Woke 3 times and nursed was up 30 min at one point.
Normal routine to a T!!
Night #2
Slept all night (First time ever!!!! Woke 2x but put self back to sleep)
Woke up 6am, 45 min morning nap, 1.5 hour afternoon nap, nursed ever 3 hours (5x), DF only 3oz
Night #3
Slept all night (woke 2x put self back to sleep)
woke up 6:30am (had MOPS group) slept 30 min on the way, slept 30 min home, slept 1 hour in afternoon (really late nap though 4pm-5pm), nursed every 3 hours, DF 30 min early took 3oz
Night #4
Slept all night (" ")
Day #4
woke up 6:30am, Normal routine, but no 1oz snack, had 3.5 hours of nap
Night #5
DF 6oz (drained bottle, may have taken more if offered), woke at 3:45am starving (tried orajel and what not still crying even holding. Attacked sippy cup of water)
(today) Up 7:15, Nurse 7:30, 8:00 breakfast 4oz!!! (now we have church so I can't work on his routine

My question. I don't know. I don't know what to even ask I'm so confused. Can any one make heads and tails of this? I would like him to have his normal routine and sleep all night. I was going to start taking the DF out since he was only taking 3oz and sleeping until 6:30ish but after last night I don't know.
Here's what I would like
7:30 Up and nurse
8:00 breakfast
9:30/10:00 nap for 1-1.5 hours
11:00 up and nurse
1:00 lunch
2:00 nap for 1.5 hours
3:30 up and snack (nurse)
6:00 dinner
7:30/8:00 bath, nurse, story and bed
Asleep around 8:30