Author Topic: Reflux questions regarding EASY  (Read 1105 times)

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Reflux questions regarding EASY
« on: March 20, 2006, 17:57:56 pm »
Hello! I posted this on the reflux section, as well.....but I thought I'd post here for those who don't go to the reflux section...

Hello!  My husband and I are desperate and have just begun reading The Baby Whisperer.  The quick version of our story is that we have a 7 month old with severe reflux.  We are on Prevacid, and have had many issues, from breathing problems to blood in spit-up/stool.  Sleep is our biggest enemy....I never know how or when she's going to sleep. 

As we are investigating this problem, I have a few questions regarding EASY with a reflux baby. 

1)  Our doc has instructed us to do frequent, small feedings.  So, it's tough to keep her on a 4 hour schedule
2)  If she's NOT on a four hour schedule, which she isn't, she of course is going to have night wakings because she's hungry
3) Because she does frequent feedings, we aren't on's more like EAESYEAESY.........
4) We have to hold her upright after feedings....and she often falls asleep in our arms, because we're having to hold upright, yet she's tired, and it's cozy in our arms
5)  I'm concerned that the up/down is only going to exacerbate her reflux by moving her up and down so much

Can anyone help us , please?  We can't do CIO, becasue it'll only make her reflux worse, plus I'm just not entirely comfortable with it. 

Thank you for any help, advice!!!


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Re: Reflux questions regarding EASY
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 18:00:22 pm »
Hello, my dd had reflux for several months.  Not as severe though, zantac kept it under control.

Question, is your lo in pain when you lay him flat to sleep?  I'm assuming not since you don't mention it.  So...
Question, are you breast or bottle feeding and solids?

I would follow your doctor's advice and do EAEASY.  Just make sure you put some activity after the second E.  Don't let her fall asleep!  Maybe feed her a little earlier so she's not so tired for the second feed.  And stick with your routine times.

Instead of holding her after the feed, can you sit her down (propped up if she can't do it herself)?  And play with lots of amusing toys to keep her awake and happy.  It'll probably get easier as she gets older. 

I'd say if you could do that, that you'd be on the right track!

Oooh! I just had another idea.  How about giving solids in the high chair as the second E.  That way it won't be such a sleep inducing environment.

Let me know if you have anymore questions, good luck, Tarri