My lo is now 7 weeks (weighs 9lb 1 oz) and we have been trying to implement EASY for the last four weeks. We have a reasonably good day routine where she has a 2 3/4 to 3 1/2 hour cycle. I may be doing this wrong (and happy to take advice on changing it) but i tend to let her go as long as she wants up to 3 3/4 hours by which time if she had not woken to feed, I would wake her instead. We have been CF but this sometimes does not go so well as the differing start times to our day can mean that CF at 6 and 8 does not fit in. I also read that CF should be stopped after 8 weeks so I am not sure how to address this.
You are fine to adjust the 3hr EASY routine, after all it is aonly a guideline.
Be carefull of the amount of time for naps in the future becasue she may get her days and nights swapped or she may end up getting too much sleep and it gets taken away from her night sleep, and don't allow her to sleep over a feed.
I still use a CF as such. When DS was 7 weeks we feed; 7,10,1,4,6,8 (no d/f) + 2am and 5am
We now do 7.30, 12, 1600/1630 & 1900
I would try and stick to a set wake up time, maybe try shushpat when she wakes at 6am and wake her at 7am??? (easier said than done)
E - 12.30
A - 12.30 for about 45 mins before she starts yawning
S - 13.15
A - 15.30 wakes but is not hungry
E - 16.00
A - varies widely in timing
S - often struggle to get her down here and it will be after 17.15
E - 18.30 (wake her to start CF)
A - 19.00 bath and wind down
S - sometimes goes down straight away but sometimes struggle here - definitely not able to stay awake until next CF
E - 20.30
S - 21.00 although again someitmes will not go down
E - DF at 11.30
I also think her 1730 nap is far too latem it looks like she is awake about too hours, this is too long for a 7 week old, she is hard to go down becasue she is over tired. I would also say the same for the naps/sleeps that follow that.
DF should be between 10 -11pm
HTH's - because I lost the top half of the post I may have missed a question, just give me shout.
