Hi Alicja
I've just been looking at the bedtime part of your routine, everything is spot-on.
First off well done with the pu/pd success.

Can I ask some questions;
Do you adopt a different wind down procedure at night?
Do you want his bedtime to be this late or is it just working out like this?
Have you tried delaying the last bf until 8pm or doing a bit a 1930 then try again after the bath when he is more relaxed?
I am a little confused by the bottom part, did he wake at 0650 get fed then go right back to sleep? This would be treated as a night feed. He really sould be up from this point to start the day at 7am ish (thats what your routine suggests) and getting fed again at 11am.
Your LO needs a consistant rountine for waking and bedtime, sorry if I have missread the bottom part.