Author Topic: help - baby won't take bottle  (Read 1327 times)

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help - baby won't take bottle
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:19:24 am »
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone out there has had the same problem as me, and if so, how did you get around it?!

I have just started supplementing my baby's feeds with formula due to a low milk supply. My baby hasn't been putting on a great deal of weight (usually averages 110 grams but we have had a few weeks of 30, 40, 50, 80) and was obviously hungry after feeds, so we decided to start supplementing with formula two weeks ago. The first few days were great and I was so thankful. My baby was having as much breast milk as she could and then filling up on formula - sometimes it would be a little bit, sometimes a lot. However, this week she has become really clingy and refuses the bottle even if she is obviously still hungry. She has even started refusing expressed breast milk from the bottle (which she always gulped down before). So, it seems as if she is now associating the bottle with formula. She only put on 40 grams of weight this week (whereas last week with the extra formula she put on 320 grams) and she seems so clingy. She has always woken up 3 times a night for a feed (so I have averaged about 4.5 - 5 hours sleep a night since she has been born) but it is starting to happen more frequently than this and I am exhausted! It was every hour last night! I am not able to teach her good sleep habits and try any crying out methods until I know that she is getting enough food, but I don't know how much longer I can go with this little sleep and I am obviously very worried because she is not putting on enough weight and is still hungry. She has been vomiting a lot more since going on formula and seems to have an upset tummy at times, I don't know if she associates this formula with feeling ill? We are going to try a new formula tonight, but I don't hope for much as she won't even accept any breast milk from a bottle anymore.

Has anyone been through something similar?

Would appreciate any help!

Mum to Heidi  :)

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Re: help - baby won't take bottle
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2006, 06:33:12 am »
I had the same problem with my dd, then we found out she had silent reflx, have you talked to your pedetrician about his possibility.  It seemed to help our dd.
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Re: help - baby won't take bottle
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2006, 07:11:35 am »
How old is your LO and what type of forumla and bottles are you using?

Can you post your routine? The reaosn I ask is that is there a possibility she has her days/nights muddled as well?

Have you seen you doctor about the vomiting? is it full feeds or spit ups?

It was every hour last night! I am not able to teach her good sleep habits and try any crying out methods until I know that she is getting enough food,

TBW always cautions against any form of crying it out/controlled crying because she feels it breaks trust between parent and child. There are other gentler ways to teach your child independant sleep i.e shush/put, PU/PD.

Lauren x