So i guess I can't complain, since she at least sleeps through the night, but she wakes up sooo early! Her schedule looks like this these days:
5:30 am wakes
5:45 bottle (7 oz)
7:00 yogurt/cereal
7:30 nap (SO early, but she is just so tired)
8:30-9:00 wakes
9:30-10am bottle
noon solids (fruit, veggie, cereal, toast, etc..)
1:00pm nap (MAYBE an hour, but lately 1/2 hour)--**which may be the problem**
2:00-2:30 bottle
5:00 solids (veggies, etc..)
6:00 start routine for bed (reading, bath, bottle)
6:30 in bed
I can't seem to get her to go to bed later at night because she is soooo tired by 6pm, especially when she doesn't have a long afternoon nap. Lately, I can't even get her to catnap in the later afternoon. Also, the most she will last before her first nap is 2 1/2 hours. No longer than that (if that--mostly only 2 hours). Also, on days when she is in daycare, she barely gets ANY naps at all during the day. It is so hard for her to sleep there. I just don't konw what to do. She isn't really cranky at all during the day but starts at around 5:30-6pm.
HELP!! Not sure if there is even anything I can do, but just wondering...This too shall pass???