I have decided to give the EASY method a try after 10 weeks of very tiring and demanding 'attachment parenting' (co-sleeping, baby-wearing, feeding on demand, etc). I have to admit I haven't been keen on the idea until two of my trusted friends began to use it with their babies and saw immediate positive results

Here is very roughly what a typical day with my baby would look like:
3.00am Breastfeed...sleep
5.30am Breastfeed...sleep
7.30am Breastfeed...play
8.30am Take DH to work (1/2 hr round trip) Sleep 3/4hr - 1hr in car seat
9.30am Breastfeed...play
10.30am Nap 10 mins
11.30am Breastfeed...play
1.30pm Breastfeed
2.00pm Nap 30 mins
3.30pm Breastfeed
4.30pm Pick DH up from work Sleep 3/4hr - 1hr in car seat
5.30pm Breastfeed...play
6.30pm Breastfeed
8.00pm Bath, massage, pyjamas
9.30pm Breastfeed
10.00pm Sleep
12.00am Bottle from Daddy
As you can see, he feeds a lot - he always falls asleep very quickly when feeding and I have trouble keeping him awake for a decent feed. This might be partly because he had very bad tongue tie for the first 4 weeks of his life (now treated) which meant that feeding was exhausting for him.
He also hardly naps - sometimes only for 5 mins before being wide awake again. I am learning to put him down awake when he starts yawning and rubbing his eyes, and letting him moan a bit until he falls asleep (usually for a bit longer - maybe up to an hour). He has a soother but sometimes I find this even more work as he drops it a lot...tho sometimes it does really help him to doze off.
Generally he's a very happy, contented baby - he's so alert and loves to play, listen to music and to sing / dance with me. He does suffer a bit with wind and is very sicky...he takes Infacol before each feed wgich has been a real help.
My aims of trying BW are to help him to:
- feed better
- go for around 3 hours between feeds instead of 2
- take a decent nap in the morning and afternoon
- sleep through the night (say at least 6 hours)
I would really value any suggestions and advice on the best way to get started. I'm not into being too hard on him, I'd prefer to be a bit flexible and ease him into it...if that's possible.
Please help...I am on my knees with exhaustion!
