Author Topic: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???  (Read 1314 times)

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Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« on: March 23, 2006, 18:55:11 pm »
My son Jack is just about to turn 9 months old, and up until the last month or so he's taken 30 - 40 minute naps regularly and he's been fine.  Always awoke happy, and slept well at night.  About the last month or so, though, it has become obvious these short naps weren't cutting it anymore and I've decided it's time to correct the problem.

So, we're on day 17.  Feels like day 70.  EVERY nap has been in his crib and EVERY nap (just about) has involved intervention on my part after about 30 - 45 minutes.  I have had maybe 3 or 4 good naps, the longest lasting 1.5 hours without a peep.  I actually felt like I was seeing progress because I did get two days in a row of "good" naps, and it was getting much easier to get him back to sleep if he woke up too early.

This week, however, has been horrific.  Starting Sunday, we had a birthday party we couldn't miss that was during his afternoon nap.  He slept 30 minutes on the way and 30 minutes on the way home, and since that day he's been a mess again, only going 30 minutes and yesterday it took me an HOUR to get him back to sleep, and by then we were both crying :(.

If he misses one day will that get him back into the old habit every time?  I know Tracy says to try to stay home for two weeks, and that is what I did - and just one day threw him off completely.  Will there come a point where I no longer have to intervene almost every time and help?  If not, I'm not sure it's worth the trouble (and the aching back!).  Like I said, I definitely saw progress, but now I feel like I'm starting from square one.  VERY discouraging.  I keep telling myself it's a 9 month old habit that is going to take longer than a couple weeks to break, but am I kidding myself??

Please just tell me I won't be doing this forever, and someday he'll actually just sleep through 1.5 hours on a regular basis!! 

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 19:09:30 pm »
I'm sorry it's been such a rough week. Perhaps he needs some routine tweaking? Can you post a typical day? How long are his A times?

I DEFINITELY don't think you'll be doing this forever - we'll figure something out!

Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline twoblacklabs

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 13:51:25 pm »
Okay - here's our day:

Wake at 6:30/7:00am
BF at 7:15
Breakfast 8:00
Nap #1 - 9/9:15 - ??? Sometimes 45 min, but I've gotten an hour a few times lately since I've been working on extending naps
BF 11:15
Lunch 12:15
Nap #2 1/1:30 - ??? This is the one that had been the most successful until recently - the last two days it's been impossible to get him back to sleep.  Yesterday I though maybe I was starting to become a distraction so I just left him alone.  I never had to go in, he just babbled to himself for an hour!
BF 3:15
Dinner 5:15
Bedtime routine begins at 6:30, bath, jammies, bottle - in bed by 7:30pm
Sleeps til 6:30/7 am and we start again!

Because he's sleeping well at night I'm not super-worried about this issue.  It seems like even if he is just in his crib for the hour in the morning and 1.5 in the afternoon he is in a fine mood the rest of the day.  I think even just resting - without always sleeping - helps a lot.

Yesterday I got 45 minutes in the morning and I don't even know how much exactly in the afternoon because he woke early and then I think he may have dozed on and off after I left the room.  We had some quiet stretches where I thought he'd fallen asleep, and then I'd hear a little peep... so I don't know exactly.

I'm glad we're not alone!!  Ibuprophen has become my new best friend :).

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2006, 20:24:14 pm »
Hi again. From the routine you posted, it looks like he gets about 11-11.5 hours of night sleep. Fantastic! However, because of that and becuase of his age, I don't think his A times are long enough to warrant longer naps. I'd suggest stretching his A time in the am to 3 hours (so nap starting between 9:30/10 depending on wake time) and limiting first nap to 1 hour. Second A time can be 3.5 hours - so that second nap aim to start around 2/2:30 - wake him by 4pm and then stick with the 7:30 bedtime.

Let me know what you think and how you get on. Good luck!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline twoblacklabs

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2006, 21:07:11 pm »
I'll give it a shot!  Should I stretch it little by little?  He makes it no problem from around 10ish to 1:30, so you'd think after a full night's sleep he'd be okay for 3 hours, but he just gets so tired. I have tried to stretch the first nap out a bit before, but it seemed like when I did that I just got shorter and shorter naps - like he ended up overtired and didn't get a restful nap.

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2006, 00:32:21 am »

 that is so funny (well..not funny but coincidental). I JUST posted under "naps out of crib" on the exact same thing. One day threw my dd off completely. I feel like a prisoner to my home until my daughter completes her two big naps of the day. I know how you feel. It is frustruating sometimes. Just when you think you have them figured out!   ???

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2006, 18:12:52 pm »
Yes, I'd do it little by little. Maybe even just try 5 minutes every 3 days in the am and 10-15 minutes every 3 days in PM? Good luck - let us know how it goes!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline twoblacklabs

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2006, 21:13:26 pm »
Brilliant!  Brilliant!  BRILLIANT!!

Okay, I'm sure now that I'm posting this all of my hard work will fall apart, but the advice from Marisa Mom about pushing that first nap back WORKED.  At least so far.  Every other time I'd tried this he would just get crankier and crankier, but Sunday morning was a turning point.  He woke up a tad later than usual, so I used that to my advantage.  He went down for nap #1 at 9:45 and had to be WOKEN UP at 11!!  Then his afternoon nap was from 2:10 - 3:20!!!  MIRACLES NEVER CEASE!!

But wait, there's more...

So today (Monday) we had to be somewhere at 10:30, so I let him nap in the car.  He slept from 10 to 10:30.  So I thought we'd be in for it this afternoon, but when I put him down at 2 he slept until 3:30!!!

So two days is not a run by any means, but I certainly have hope.  And that will keep me going!

Thank you so much for the advice, and I'll keep you posted on our progress.  I am determined NOT to give up, so you can bet I'll do whatever it takes as long as it takes!!

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Re: Day #17: Will it EVER get easier???
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2006, 21:16:25 pm »
Excellent news!!! Just keep at it and don't be surprised if you have regressions here and there. Definitely keep us posted!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01