Author Topic: Feeding on 4 hour EASY and Tracy's book - suggestions on what I am doing wrong?  (Read 4126 times)

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Offline MatthewsMommy

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Hi again (sorry I"ve posted a few times lately under feedings and night wakings as nothing seems to be working).

I have my DS on the 4 hour easy. We just transitioned to it from 3 hour EASY over a few weeks. I also just started adding a DF. I never did one prior, tried it a few weeks ago and it didn't seem to work but only tried it for 4 days so will give it a week.

DS is eating 7 oz every 4 hours, one DF now at 7 oz and still wakes at night and I am pretty sure he's hungry due to what Tracy says in her book. His wakings are erratic and until I feed him he will not go back to sleep. I thought binkie was issue (and it's part of it) as he will take it and seems to try to go back to sleep but never does and so I end up feeding him and he then babbles and is back to sleep but up again a few hours later. He seems to be waking every 3-4 hours - a feed schedule. But this kid cannot be hungry - trust me! He is 16lbs, I just upped him from 6 oz to 7 (He won't finish 8 most times and really do'nt want to top him out on formula when he has 2 mos to go before solids- don't you agree). He eats 4x a day, has the one DF I just added and is getting a feed at night (before he was getting sometimes 2 feeds at night and also he was getting 5 feeds as day before we just changed over to the 4 hour easy) so I cannot figure out why he's waking. Again according to Tracy's book his wakings seem to be hunger related but why is he hungry? How come the DF didn't make him last all night? He got one before 11 last night (10:45) and was up at 2:59AM! I finally fed him after 45 min and he was up again at 5:30 but made him wait until his 7AM feed. He always gets up at 5:30 though no matter what - that's a habit (am trying to break that too but one thing at a time).

He is now taking 2 naps for about 1.5-2 hours each and one catnap. Goes to bed about 8ish.

Just curious what could be going on. I don't think it's growth spurt cause this has been going on at least a month with the constant night wakings - we may get ONE day a week where he sleeps thru until about 4:30-5 but that's it.

Thanks so much!!! Sorry to keep posting but am so tired of trying to figure all this out and I keep reading the posts, the books, etc. and don't seem to be getting anywhere and am TIRED!!!


Offline Leah's Mom

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How old is your DS?
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Offline MatthewsMommy

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sorry - should have posted that- he's 4 mos and 1 week.

Offline LŠuren

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Lauren, How long have you now been trying the d/f.

I am right he is geting 35oz in total ??? He weighs 16lbs, the general rule of thumb is 2.5 - 2.7 ounces (oz) per pound (lb) of body weight.

What formula are you using?

At 4months DS was 15lb 10oz, and took max 26oz in a day (inc 1 night feed at 0500 ish)

You said before he wasn't finishing an 8oz bottle how much does he leave? The reason I ask is that my HV always told me to put 1oz extra and if he left a little in the bottom then that was normal, becasue of the total formula amount buling up with the addition of the formula to the water. (hope this makes sense)
Lauren x

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Forgot to add, I had to start baby rice when DS 17weeks, at HV recommendation as he was the same - eating full bottles, sometimes 12oz for his 7pm feed  :o

I give DS his last bottle - little bit before his bath and the rest after - he always takes loads at this feed. (Sorry if I have told you this before)
Lauren x

Offline MatthewsMommy

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I will try 8 oz - but if he tops out then what? He has 2 more mos before rice cereal. My pedi didn't want to start him on that cause my husband has allergies and Matthew has some mild eczema. I don't know that rice cereal would make that much of a difference in that, would it? (I have a box I bought before his 4 mos appt HOPING I could start him!!!).

If he tops out then what? Is 8 oz what he will eat then until he's 6 mos and that's it for each feed?

I just posted on my other msg that I cannot keep doing this - I tried the DF again last night and he woke for it this time right before and he never wakes. Then was up every 2 hours after. When I first posted here I had trouble with 1-2 night wakings, now I am in a nightmare as he's up all the time and he cannot be hungry. I didn't feed him until 4AM this morning but the wakings are really tiresome. I don't know what to do and am wondering if it's NOT hunger? I offered him 4 oz at his 4AM feed and he ate that (no more) and went right back to sleep. I was going to try to wean this ounces for his night feeding versus watering it down cause of his age, every 3 nights. So do 4 oz, then 3, then 2 then none? I don't know if it will work but then I have all the other wakings....


Offline jayne

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when he wakes have you tried to pat shush him back to sleep?? he could still be hungry at 4 months.. my gina didnt sleep thru at that point--

what is his schedule?? is he getting enough daytime sleep??  have your tried to cluster feed right before bed??

keep a diary for yourself when he eats how much when he sleeps how long--and write down all the night wakings also post it here and we will see if there is a pattern going on..

hang in there

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004

Offline Leah's Mom

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I agree with Jayne. If you could post his schedule etc. we could take a better look.

If he is a larger baby, then he may take more than 8 oz per feeding. I have known babies to take 10+oz at the nighttime feed. At this age, he still may be hungry. One feed at night is normal. The other wakings though.... will he go back to sleep if you give him the paci? If so, that may be a prop causing the wakings too.
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Offline LŠuren

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I was just thinking after the other 2 replies, I did recommend CFing to you a while ago, did you ever try it?? I have used it with DS since he was born and I find it an excellent way to get more oz's into him. It also means that the bottle you dropped when change to 4hr's is available again

I take it this is your recent routine;
7AM - 7 oz eat
9AM - nap for 1.5-2 hours (sometimes 1 hour but usually not)
11AM - 7 oz eat
1PM - nap again -1.5 - 2 hours
3PM - 7 oz eat
5-6:30- capnap in his swing (only about 45 min, he just usually will catnap around this timeframe when he's not having activity time)
7ish- bath, book, bed by about 8ish and one last feed (7oz)
now without DF (between 10:30 and 11) he's been getting up about 2AM and again at 4 AM and 5AM and 6AM... with DF, it's 10:30 PM, midnight, 2AM, you get the picture

Am I assuming from the routine your last feed is about 1945?? Does this mean it is nearly 5 hours from his last bottle?

With CF you could try;



Or since you have also posted in the night wakings have they discovered it is a prop or some other issue?

Lauren x

Offline Leah's Mom

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I also cluster fed my baby until she was well established on solid food. It's worth a try. Let us know how you are doing!
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Offline MatthewsMommy

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Will try the cluster - no, it's not 5 hours until last feed- he eats at about these times:
7, 11, 3, 7 but often what I will do push one of those a half an hour EARLY and feed him 7:30 at night instead if that makes sense so he goes to bed at 8. But there is only a 4 hour gap at most between any feeds.

He did better with 5 feedings a day- actually ever since he's been on 4 hour easy is when he's been waking every 2 hours (did it again last night). I think am going back to 3.5 maybe - is that ok for his age? He does better with 5 feedings a day and I feel that COULD be my issue (in addition to the binkie). I personally feel he needs rice cereal - he's over 16lbs.

going back to 3.5 is worth a try - should I be trying PU/PD too? Is this something we need to try when he wakes at night? I just want my 1-2 wakings back - this every 2 hours is insane and I do'nt get it.

Offline MatthewsMommy

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forgot - if I CF do I do less ounces? I upped him to 8 oz and he won't always take it so what would I feed at let's say 3, 5, 7:45?


Offline LŠuren

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I personally didn't drop the oz's, the times you sound good, or 3,5.30,7.45 if 2hrs is to soon. My DS was also most hungriest at night   ;)
Good luck and keep us informed.
Lauren x

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It's fine to feed him more often. My DD was fed every three hours forever. She never made it to 4 hours until she was on "meals" during the day. Our routine was a bit off though becuase she had her bottle before her naps - did not fall asleep at the bottle though. At this age, without cereal, my DD did this:

6 - Bottle and back to bed
7 - Wake
9 - Bottle and nap
12:30 - Bottle and nap
4:00 - Bottle
4:30 - Catnap
7 - Bottle and bedtime
10:00 - Deam Feed
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Offline LŠuren

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How are you getting on?
Lauren x