:(Boy was I wrong!!!! What a couple of days we have had. Her routine is all over the place, she is not sleeping through the night and is now becoming a snacker, boy what a mistake.. I guess you learn from your first. W e went back to pedeatrician today and we think she is lactose intolerant like myself so we have just starteed her on nutramigen, she is alsp suffering from silent reflux, and is on baby zantac. This would explain a lot of her fussiness and gas pains as well as the screaming in pain. I am so upset, So many people were telling me while i was doing bw that i was doing everything wrong and that you have to let babies be babies, i feel like i am going to have a nervous breakdown. Any how now know she needs a routine and it needs to be around the same times everyday or she just falls apart, I think she is use to the waking up and being fed at certain times because while she was in hospital for three weeks, due to being a prem, they had her on a three hour routine, where she was woken, breastfed, changed, cuddled and put back in incubator to sleep. I would like to start our routine over again but I am worried it will take such a long time, how would zi be able to take her out for visits, church etc, when I need to swaddle her, will she get use to or be able to sleep in a pack and play when going out to grandma and grandpas or Auntie or Uncles home. I just felt so isolated on bw because I thoiught that you cannot go any where, but I believe in bw and everything Tracy says. I am confused but know she needs a routine. Boy being a mum is much harder than everytone says. But I love my little girl and want to do the best for her. I am just rambling on now so Ill just say thanks for listening