When dd first started daycare at 10.5 months, she was still on 2 naps/day, but the daycare routine was only one - and it was during her usual awake time. If you're lucky, your daycare will be flexible as ours. DD was able to have her am nap, but a little earlier than normal and then she went down for her 2nd nap with the other kids. See below for the nap times. It may require a little transition for your lo, including perhaps earlier bedtimes for a while until he's used to the new routine.
Our routine was:
wake 7-7:30
nap 10:00
nap 1:30
bed 7:00
Their routine was:
nap 12-2
So we asked for:
nap at 9'ish after breakfast
nap at 12:30'ish after lunch
They happily obliged. We didn't even have to adjust her bedtime. She just adapted to the longer afternoon awake time. She was a little fussier the first little bit at night, but nothing really major. And over time, maybe a month or 2, she ended up refusing her am nap (wanted to play with the others) and going down for the 1 nap only at the same time as the other kids.