Author Topic: Can I start EASY at night?  (Read 1604 times)

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Offline mauceddie

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Can I start EASY at night?
« on: March 25, 2006, 00:19:38 am »
Lo just turned three months a week ago

I read the baby whisperer when I was pregnant with full intent of following it, but my baby was pretty easy so we just followed her schedule. Well int he past three weeks it's become so difficult! I have a question re: sporadic eating - sometimes she nurses only an hour apart. If she wants to nurse do I have to make her wait until she falls asleep and waked up again to eat?

Also, she has to fall asleep in my arms - so we are going to try pu/pd tonight - her normal bedtime is around 9:30. She is currently napping, and I will wake her at 6:15 so that she's gone 3 hours between eating. So when should I put her to bed?

Thanks! I hope this works!!!!!!!

Offline teezee

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Re: Can I start EASY at night?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 02:51:08 am »
i would definately try sh\pat for a lo that age as pu/pd will more than likely be way too stimulating yet.  i would start easy during the day spreading feedings further apart 15 min at a time or so (if she can handle it, if not go for 10 min) every couple days till you get to the three hr mark.  as far as night time take it as it comes - don't wake your sleeping baby at night!  she will wake when she is hungry and hopefully once the feedings are spread out more that will subside too as she will be able to take in more food which will last in her little tummy longer.
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline owelley

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Re: Can I start EASY at night?
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 03:08:36 am »
Lo just turned three months a week ago

I read the baby whisperer when I was pregnant with full intent of following it, but my baby was pretty easy so we just followed her schedule. Well int he past three weeks it's become so difficult! I have a question re: sporadic eating - sometimes she nurses only an hour apart. If she wants to nurse do I have to make her wait until she falls asleep and waked up again to eat?

Also, she has to fall asleep in my arms - so we are going to try pu/pd tonight - her normal bedtime is around 9:30. She is currently napping, and I will wake her at 6:15 so that she's gone 3 hours between eating. So when should I put her to bed?

Thanks! I hope this works!!!!!!!

My Dd was about the same age when I started EASY.  I used ssh/pat mostly and it worked.  I also started during the day first thing on a MOnday morning.  Once your lo is on EASY it'll be easier to know when to feed her because she will be taking full feeds and not snacking. Does she take full feeds when she nurses every hour??  In my case for example I nurse my dd at 6am and put her to bed between 7:30 and 8am.  HTH and goodluck!!
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Offline mauceddie

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Re: Can I start EASY at night?
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2006, 15:42:00 pm »
Thanks. I tried shh/pat last night and it did not work! my lo cried for 45 minutes and I finally popped the boob in her mouth (her prop) and she fell asleep instantly....

I will start on EASY today, and will try to stretch out the feedings as much as I can. She did not have a full feed when she woke up this morning, she's gotten used to having another "snack" about an hour after she gets up and before her first nap. I'll stretch it out as long as she'll let me!

Offline HeatherC

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Re: Can I start EASY at night?
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2006, 16:52:51 pm »
If your lo will take a paci/soother, try to use that to hold her off on feeds.  Otherwise, try distracting her with other activities.  At 3 mos she should be able to go 3 hrs between feeds, so I say she is probably snacking as it is now.  Like it was previously said, once she gets used to going longer between feeds, she'll begin taking fuller feeds and really get full rather than just a snack to hold her over every hour.  However, 3 mos is prime time for a growth spurt, so watch for signs of extra hungriness during this transition.  That could include night wakings. 
While you're transitioning to a 3 hr routine, you'll want to watch for sleepy signs probably 1.5 hrs after she last woke.  Try not to mistake this for hunger, b/c once a baby has had a full feed she really shouldn't be hungry again and her fussiness would probably be for tiredness.  Also, try to have a consistent wake time each morning, and then you'll be able to have a consistent bedtime approximately 12-13 hrs from the wake time.  You will not want to let her be in the habit of sleeping past feeds on a regular basis (during the day) b/c that will cause feeding problems.  Try to wake her when it's been 3-3.5 hrs between a feed, and I recommend naps not being longer than 2.5 hrs each b/c that could interfere with night sleep.
It's good that you are trying shh/pat, but it can take some time, so don't give up yet.  Your dd is going to cry and be frustrated b/c it is new and not her normal way of doing things.  But it will pay off if you stick with it.  Just know that her being upset with your "new method" is a normal reaction, and as long as you are right there with her helping her to learn to fall asleep on her own, you are not hurting her.  I believe it is recommended to take a break if have been trying for 40 mins, but I'm not sure what is suggested for doing shh/pat at night. 
I highly recommend that you check out the Props board for more help on getting your dd to fall asleep without nursing.  We love to help in any way that we can.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline owelley

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Re: Can I start EASY at night?
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2006, 17:38:54 pm »
Yes. it does take a while. JUst be patient.  I ssh/patted for about that long or a lil longer in the beginning with a few pu/pd.  Tracy say's in the sleep interview that you can use sshh/pat between pu/pd.  Just keep trying.
Thanks. I tried shh/pat last night and it did not work! my lo cried for 45 minutes and I finally popped the boob in her mouth (her prop) and she fell asleep instantly....

I will start on EASY today, and will try to stretch out the feedings as much as I can. She did not have a full feed when she woke up this morning, she's gotten used to having another "snack" about an hour after she gets up and before her first nap. I'll stretch it out as long as she'll let me!

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