Hi Kim
How old is your LO? Just seen it 6months !!!
So will this work if i put him to bed first and I sleep later?
How does this work if i have a playgroup to attend once a week at 11:15 and it takes me about 30 minutes to get there by train? Should i expect him to sleep on the way there?
I read the book and have no clue how to start
-I should thing that EASY will still work even with co-sleeping.
-Have you take your LO on the train before? Did they sleep? If you then this is an excellent opportunity to fit a nap in, although on EASY 30 mins is a short nap. Again it depends on the age of your LO. When DS was younger he would sleep though anything. now it takes me to get a 40nap in his buggy ::
-1st goal is to get him down for naps in each EASY cycle,
-2nd goal would be to get him to nap for longer than 1 sleep cycle as often as you can,
-3rd goal is to stretch your LO to 3hrs between feeds.
With the nap/sleeps you may need additional help by posting in these areas, you will get excellent help there. The main thing to do is try and put your baby to bed as soon as you see sleepy cues (if you don't know them yet, don't worry you will get the hang if this soon) the wind down should be about 15mins

where you would establish the 4 S's
Set the stage - get environment ready for sleep
Swaddle - this is optional and if you are used to doing it to get your LO to sleep
Sitting - quietly with no stimulation
My best advise is to download one of the EASY logs and keep filling it in so you can keep track of your progress.
Feel free to post your current routine and we can help you more