What is the length of her naps? One thing you can do is limit the morning nap to 1.5 hrs in hopes that the second nap will be longer? Is she still taking a catnap? 2 naps of 2 hrs or so is a good target. Or you might have 1.5 hrs, 2.25 hrs, and 45 mins, or some other combination.
It's okay to have a nap before bed as long as she has enough A time to become tired again (not overtired though). As for the nightwakings, try to get as many good feedings in the day as you can so that she won't be waking at night. Hopefully, she'll go from the df to about 6-7 am.
You are doing the right thing to make adjustments based on her needs. All we can do is offer suggestions, but in the end, you know her best and know what is right for you and her.