Hi Clare,
I agree with Lauren, your lo needs her milk. It's allways best to wait till they are 6 months before introducing solids, especially as you've mentioned your daughter has reflx, plus shes teething so if you start solids now I guarantee it will set you back and she wont wean at the mo. From my experience with a reflux baby the most important thing is to not rush things, has reflux been diagnosed and is your lo on medication for this or a special kind of formula? maybe that can be looked at if shes not feeding on her milk well enough. Sometimes babies with reflux can refuse feeds due to it being painful when they reflux and the acid comes up from the tum. I would advise that you stick with the milk feeding for now she needs this and even with babies without reflux they shouldn't really be weaned before 6 months. Obviously this is entirely up to you hun, im not stepping on your toes but its what I would do myself.
good luck with the feeding xxxx Alison
PS: she may not be taking the milk well due to her teething?