Thanks! You think a sweet potatoes could make her this sick for 3 days so far? Wow. I did forget to mention that she also vomited on Sunday. Twice Saturday, once Sunday. Wouldn't this be more like the flu if she is sick for more than 1 day? I gave her pedialyte all day Sat. as she wouldn't eat anything. I called my ped this morning and they just indicated that I should start the pedialyte again if she vomits more than twice in one day. So far, she has been ok today, just not very hungry.
I haven't tried fruits yet as I want to get her used to veggies first. I was told that I should try veggies first cuz if they get fruit, they tend to not want their veggies as much? Seems logical
I though sweet potatoes was one of the first veggies they should try, along with carrots, peas, green beans?
I know that I shouldn't introduce a new food at night, but she is in daycare all day and this is the only meal I get to feed her and I want to be the one who gives her a "new" food. Selfish, I know
I guess I will give her a different veggie once she starts getting more of an appetite. I would like to introduce sweet potatoes to her again down the road.
As you can tell, I am trying to convince myself it is the tummy bug, not the sweet potatoes