Hi my name is Justine and i have been reading this forum for a few weeks now but just joined recently.
I have got Tracys book 'Secrets of the baby Whisperer' and i started to try EASY a few weeks ago (well sort of).
My problem is, my daughter Ruby is nearly 5 weeks old and during the day is wonderful, we dont have set times as such but normaly we get up around 8am and i feed her 3-4 hours from when her last feed was, so say she woke at 6am and i fed her we get up at 8 and i feed her around 9-10am, from then on she will go regular between 3-4 hours normally 4 to be honest. We do the EASY through the day but for some reason around about 5-6 olclock ish she wakes up and then thats it, she doesnt settle until around 10/11. She wont sleep at all, if i put her in her bed she just crys on and off until she eventually drops off and i have been up hundreds of times to put her dummy in. Is not a full blown scream its a tired cry. On the odd occasion she will go to sleep within half an hour.
She has no problem during the day to go to sleep on her own, in fact she wont sleep in my arms now which is good, she likes to be put down. When it is bed time i know she isnt crying for hunger or soiled i know she is shattered but just wont go off, i think she is overtired and possibly overstimulated too.
Im confused when it comes to bed time, say i feed her at 5-6 ish, do i then still do activity and sleep until 9-10 ish and then feed again or do i try to keep her awake till this time? Not really sure how the nights should go. Also do i give her feed then bath n bed or bath then feed n bed as ive seen some people do both. Again not sure
Can you please tell me how to not overstimulate her?
Sorry for all the questions but i just cant seem to get my head around the evenings and night routine.
Any help greatly appreaciated.
Thanks Justine n Ruby