Hi all,
My LO, now 14 weeks, has always been a good napper, but as he is getting older, and staying awake longer, I am suddenly finding it hard to put him down. I used to be able to read his signs, put him down, and he would chat himself off to sleep. He is currently (to our amazement) sleeping 7-7 at night (2 weeks now) and having 5 feeds of 7.5-8.5oz formula during the day.
Now, for example, this morning he was up at 7am, I saw some eye-rubbing at 8am, one yawn at 8.25 and another at 8.40 (by this time I was already starting to wind him down). But, it took about 15 mins of him crying and me rocking/patting/shhshing to calm him enough to get him off to sleep (I really struggle with shh/pat in the cot itself, I never previously did it, and he looks at me like I am mad). But yesterday, around the same time, I put him down and he was quiet, and he drifted off.
I am having trouble telling whether I am putting down too soon (so he is crying in indignation) or just a little too late (crying as over-tired). He is on 3 EASY but I am working slowly towards the 4 EASY, as I know he can last at least two feeds a day on 3.5 EASY, so I'm trying to move it slowly as we move towards 4 months.
So, help, what should I do about him staying awake longer and putting him down.
Should I try at 1hr 40, instead of 1hr 30 awake time?
I'm really confused and feel that I am causing trouble for him and me where previously all was OK for naps!
The other thing is his naps can be 45 mins, 1hr15min, 2hours, I can never tell - I never thought this was a problem until I read BW!
Vic & Caspar