we just started baby sign 2 weeks ago, and i sign "milk" (bf) and "all done".. i too wonder how to do "more" with bf...
someone asked about all done one hand or both with bf, but i do both. i put one leg up, and cross it over the other, with the top ankle on top of the knee/thigh of the other leg, and lean avery back in it, then i do "all done", real excited-like. i usually only do it when i know she is done. then i cover up (bf) and pick her up out of my lap/legs... (hope that makes sense!)
i have a ? though, with "milk"... i do it every time, but she often is not looking at me, only at my breast, and panting, like 'ok ok.. enough talking already...give me the MILK!' so i wonder if she sees me. after she is latched on, she'll look up at me and i keep doing the sign, so i am sure she is getting it then...
but so far (she is 6mo) i do the sign with my hand, then feed her... i don't try to make her hand do the sign, like for practice.. should i be? i do with "all done" bc it seems more fun i guess.. and she is happy then, with a full belly and all
actually.. today, i think she did the sign for all done after i did it! it was so cute.. she looked at me and smiled that little gummy smile (no teeth yet!) and pulled both hands in the air. and she never does that.. so, i am having a revelation here, i think she did it!!! YAY!!!