Tyler wouldn't take anything from a spoon from 9-12 mo. It's definitely do-able to just do finger foods and still maintain a healthy, balanced diet. He ate a lot of toast and sandwiches (I used veggie puree as a spread), ripe fruit chunks, and steamed veggie chunks. Broccoli and slightly smashed peas were a favorite. Until he got good at it, it did take awhile for him to eat, but he got faster. You can help by coating slippery foods in dry baby cereal or crushed cheerios too. And it may seem like she's eating less, but she actually isn't. Keep in mind that purees are mostly water, and finger foods are the real thing. It takes much less finger food to fill them up, and it's hard to keep track of how much they eat since it isn't coming from a jar or ice cube tray. So she's actually eating more than you think!
For protein, you can give tender bits of meat...poached chicken is usually soft enough. Tofu, beans, and cheese are also great finger foods full of protein. But honestly, if she's still taking formula or breastmilk, most of her nutrition should be coming from there anyway so you don't need to stress too much about it. HTH!