Hi, I wonder if anyone can help! I have a 6 month old who I am just starting on solids. He currently has a full bottle (240 mls, sometimes only 200) at about 7am, sleeps from 8.30-10, bottle at 11, but has recently really cut back on this so sometimes only has 100 mls, but will then take a couple of teaspoons of pear etc, sleeps 12.30 - 2, bottle at 3 (again, he's really cutting back on this so only about 150mls), short nap at about 5 for 30 mins, then bottle at 7 and bed at 8, then dream feed at about 11.30 (really variable - can be 130mls or 230).
He's getting fussier over his 11am and 3pm feeds (all times are approximate, we have quite a bit of flexibility!).
I'm not sure how to get him onto having 3 feeds of solids per day, but still make sure he's having enough milk, and fitting in his naps.
Just in case it's relevant, he's also going through a spell (last week or so) of waking up 4 or 5 times per night (if we put his dummy in he goes back to sleep but never for that long). I thought it might be beacuse he's hungry, but in that case why is he cutting back on his feeds?
Please help