Author Topic: questions about egg allergies  (Read 1794 times)

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questions about egg allergies
« on: March 28, 2006, 20:39:35 pm »
i think i have an egg allergy on my hands, but not sure, and not entirely sure of how to go about it.  here's the background:

* luke received the chicken pox vaccine (egg based).  a week later, he broke out in a really bad rash; ended up infected casue he couldn't stop scratching.  visit to dr helped clear all that up.

* today (month later), after eating a few bites of egg his face got very itchy & bright red.  it went away after a while, but definitely a reaction.

* he is frequently itchy, and does have eczema breakouts, but there are times when he's scratching that i don't see any eczema.

so, my questions:
1) does this sound like an egg allergy?
2) could he be allergic to eggs and products containing eggs - or just the eggs themselves?
3) does anybody know of a website where i can find more information, and ideas for what i can feed him that doesn't have eggs in it??

thanks for your help!   :D
DD - Textbook
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Re: questions about egg allergies
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2006, 22:00:52 pm »  Found this for you.   I'm going  to say egg allergy.  As far as reaction, what does he do when fed something like cake or cookies that contain eggs?  (having a sugar craving, can ya tell?)     Did he get a flu shot last year?   (also egg based) By the way, what did the doc say?   On a happy note, lots of kids outgrow egg allergies.  I did.    :)  Also, check the website thread.  Good stuff.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2006, 22:08:13 pm by mouse mom »
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Re: questions about egg allergies
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2006, 02:35:43 am »
Definitely sounds like an egg allergy.  My DD is severely allergic to eggs.  She will have a reaction to baked products with eggs, so she is not able to have cake, most cookies, etc.  She is almost 4 and still tested positive to eggs.  I would definitely suggest visiting an allergist. 


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Re: questions about egg allergies
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2006, 03:19:35 am »
when my son started solids he reacted when he touched eggs.  his face yes, but if his arms/hands touched it as well, then sure enough rash/welt/redness appeared.  that would certainly be one way to determine....let his arm rest on the food on the tray, lol.  but an allergist can do a skin test to determine for sure and a RAST test if old enough....

but sounds like a reaction and i wouldn't feed anymore without having benedryl close by

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Re: questions about egg allergies
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2006, 09:19:30 am »
DS also has the same symptoms;

his face yes, but if his arms/hands touched it as well, then sure enough rash/welt/redness appeared - even where the sick touched.
I have been refered to a ped, but there is a 26week waiting list!!  His next set of jabs are on hold, think its MMR???

I was advised to do a patch test myself by touching his torso (well away from the face), I did this and it flae up instantly then goes after a few hours. He is definately allergic to whites, I haven't done yolks becasuse they are contaminated by the white anyway.

* he is frequently itchy, and does have eczema breakouts, but there are times when he's scratching that i don't see any eczema
DS has eczema on his arms and a bit on his face.
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Re: questions about egg allergies
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2006, 04:32:21 am »
My daughter is allergic to eggs and milk but I have never given her eggs so don't know how she would react.  She had an allergic reaction much as you describe to yoghurt and so we saw an immunoligist who did a skin test.  She was positive to eggs, milk and chicken (same protein as the egg) although he did say that the chicken would probably be ok, it was a mild reaction and we just have to wait to introduce it.

He also told us that vaccination needles are fine even with an egg allergy.  Yes they are egg based but there is none of the allergen left in the final product.  I am in Australia, not sure if this is the case in other places but maybe worth checking with your doctor as we have been told to go ahead with MMR.  I would have thought that a reaction to the chickenpox vaccine would have happened much sooner than a week later, maybe a viral rash?

My dd also had terrible eczema from two months old.  When I saw the immunoligist he advised me to cut the dairy from my diet as I am still breastfeeding and as she is allergic to milk could be reacting through my milk.  This was the best thing I ever did, her eczema has gone.  If I fall down and have too much dairy it comes back.

Hope you work it out  :)

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Re: questions about egg allergies
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2006, 15:19:28 pm »
thank you for all of your input!!  just wanted to post an update, in case anyone was curious.

after a week of cutting out eggs and all egg products, luke's skin has cleared up tremendously.  it is still not totally clear but it looks so much better than it did before!   :D

he is, however, still stratching a lot so there are probably still some environmental issues at work.  his 15-month checkup is next week so hopefully we can figure out more at that time - and hopefully be referred to an allergist.

again, thanks for the help!!
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Offline Mami

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Re: questions about egg allergies
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2006, 01:59:54 am »
Just a quick note...the immunizations should be fine.  However, I have been told to keep Carlie away from the flu shot by her allergist and pediatrician.