Hello everyone....I need some help. I received Tracy's book as a gift yesterday, have only had a chance to read the first couple of chapters, but I’d like to start implementing EASY right away. I had been following the guidelines in the Babywise book, but we've come to a block in the routine road. DD will be 4 months old on April 9th and has been on a great 4 hour routine, that she started herself, since she was about 2 months. I even created a chart following her daily activity, and a lot of what I've already read are things we currently follow. I've been back to work for 3 weeks now, and my husband’s grandmother is watching DD. The great routine I she was on when I was home has gone caput and I'm not exactly sure what's thrown it off. This used to be her routine -
5:00a/5:30a - wake up and eat, then go right back to sleep
8:45a/9:00a - wake up and eat, then play until sleepy signs noticed
10:15a - down for nap...usually slept for 2+ hours
11:30a/12:00p - wake up and have play time
1:00p - eat, then play some more until sleepy
2:15p - down for another 2+ hour nap
4:00p/4:00p - wake up and play
5:00p - eat and play until sleepy
6:00p - down for a 1.5 - 2 hour nap
8:00p - play for a bit, then start bedtime routine
9:00p - eat
9:30p/9:45p - time for bed
Now there are some problems I’ve encountered, and I’m hoping that the EASY method can help fix them. First - she starts fussing around 2:30a/3:30a
every morning!!! I’ve tried changing her diaper seeing that she hasn’t been changed for 5 hours, I’ve tried giving her the binky back, and I’ve tried patting and rubbing her back, but nothing works. And to make matters worse, she will fuss every 20 minutes until about 4:00a when she goes back to sleep, only to wake up to eat at 5:00a. Second - I’ve been told that she isn’t staying down for her naps and that she’s only catnapping for all 3 naps throughout the day. Third - she’s starting to get sleepy around 7:30p every night, so I’m at the point where I’m starting her bedtime routine at 7:15p instead of the original 8:15p. And finally - how do I get a family member, that isn’t my own, to understand how important it is for DD to remain on a routine in order for her to thrive? AAHH!!! I’ve tried to be nice, I even left the book for her today so she can start reading it and said “Let’s do this together”. On top of everything, DD is a great eater - she's strickly formula fed - and eats 5-7 oz. per feeding, but from what I've read - she's a Spirited little one.

Am I doing the right thing by implementing EASY now? I now it's not a 'quick fix', but it can't be worse than it alreay is. Any insight you ladies can give me is GREATLY appreciated. I don't know if anyone has a 'Cliff Notes' version on how to go about starting and maintaining EASY, so that I can pass it on to the ones I love that watch DD, but it would be helpful to have something that is short and easy (haa haa) to understand.
Thank you SOOOOO much!!!