My 12 week old dd used to get drowsy and fall right back asleep after eating around 2:30 am. For the past week she eats and is wide awake ready to play! I sit with her quietly for a bit - I saw a yawn after about 10 minutes - and then put her back down swaddled. She wouldn't take her soother so I left her to settle herself. Last night she talked to herself for about 45 minutes and then started crying out as she couldn't put herself back to sleep. So it's now closer to four and I've been awake for 90 minutes instead of the 30 it should be if she went back down again after eating. After giving her the paci she went to sleep after about 15 minutes on her own. Just wondering what I could do here? She was basically awake for 90 minutes, which is often how long her awake time is during the daytime!!!
She is basically doing a 4hr routine:
7 wake up
7:30 eat
8:45 wind down, sleep by 9
11 awake
11:30 eat
12:45 sleep
3 awake
3:30 eat
5 catnap
6 awake
7 wind down, bath (sometimes starts at 6:30 and in bed by 7:30)
7:30 bottle
8 bed
10:30 df
2:30 feed and AWAKE!!!!
Any advice is greatly appreciated!