Thanks Ryan's mum and Lauren!
So here is my plan. I have not been making Lucy's baby food but I think what I will do is continue to buy the store-bought organic purees and then add lumpier stuff to them. So some options would be steamed apple, steamed pear, cooked sweet potato, banana, mango, avocado, and pasta/rice (I would have to combine this with the puree and then blend it down considerably). She probably would be ok with a small amount of couscous and crumbled up cracker. Does this sound like a good idea?
I can't believe how challenging food is with Lucy. It is demoralizing and frustrating at times (like today

). I feel like I should be making her food but I can't imagine going through all the trouble of making her a meal from scratch just to have her refuse to eat it. I know it is very immature of me but I don't want to resent her, KWIM? I already get annoyed when I have to throw out the cereal I made as she won't eat it. I just think of the starving children around the world while I am tossing out perfectly good food.
I am rambling here.....Any thoughts/advice about my plan for adding texture would be great.