I'm hoping that someone out there can give me some advice as none of the other Mums in my under 1's group seem to relate to this problem.
My dd started out well weaning - gobbling up everything given to her, home steamed veggies, then on to chicken and white fish dishes. Then at about 7 months she started getting irritable at mealtimes and only taking 2 or 3 spoonfuls. She started to fuss the minute she got into the high chair. I tried her on my knee as well but no difference. Just wants her milk, which she jumps on when I give it to her.
Then she went back to eating OK again before coming down with a stomach bug, and she's had about 3 stomach bugs now (d&v, though mostly d) on/off every couple of weeks. For a few days all she would eat was Petit Filous (fromage frais), but now we're back to not eating anything. She just clamps her mouth shut and winds herself up into a crying fit. Sometimes she'll attack the first mouthful and then refuse any further food or start to spit things out.
I've tried different foods (that I know she likes), feeding milk and food in a different order, sitting her on my knee, sitting with her whilst eating my food - all sorts of things - but nothing seems to work.
At first I though this was teething (she has just had her 1st bottom tooth come through) but now its still going on I just don't know what else to try. Do I just keep persevering? I'm worried she's not getting the nutrients to help her grow and develop and also about the consequences of this resistance to eating when she's older.
Throughout this she always drinks her milk and at the moment she is sleeping through 7pm - 6.30am, so I can't complain about that. She's having about 6-7oz at 7am; 4oz at 12pm; 5oz at 2.30pm; 6oz at bedtime; 4oz at 10.30pm.
Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get her interested in food again?
Thank you so much.