Author Topic: Refusing to eat at 9 months - just wants milk  (Read 1621 times)

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Offline Scigsy

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Refusing to eat at 9 months - just wants milk
« on: March 30, 2006, 08:47:34 am »

I'm hoping that someone out there can give me some advice as none of the other Mums in my under 1's group seem to relate to this problem.

My dd started out well weaning - gobbling up everything given to her, home steamed veggies, then on to chicken and white fish dishes.  Then at about 7 months she started getting irritable at mealtimes and only taking 2 or 3 spoonfuls.  She started to fuss the minute she got into the high chair.  I tried her on my knee as well but no difference.  Just wants her milk, which she jumps on when I give it to her.

Then she went back to eating OK again before coming down with a stomach bug, and she's had about 3 stomach bugs now (d&v, though mostly d) on/off every couple of weeks.  For a few days all she would eat was Petit Filous (fromage frais), but now we're back to not eating anything.  She just clamps her mouth shut and winds herself up into a crying fit.  Sometimes she'll attack the first mouthful and then refuse any further food or start to spit things out.

I've tried different foods (that I know she likes), feeding milk and food in a different order, sitting her on my knee, sitting with her whilst eating my food - all sorts of things - but nothing seems to work.

At first I though this was teething (she has just had her 1st bottom tooth come through) but now its still going on I just don't know what else to try.  Do I just keep persevering?  I'm worried she's not getting the nutrients to help her grow and develop and also about the consequences of this resistance to eating when she's older.

Throughout this she always drinks her milk and at the moment she is sleeping through 7pm - 6.30am, so I can't complain about that.  She's having about 6-7oz at 7am; 4oz at 12pm; 5oz at 2.30pm; 6oz at bedtime; 4oz at 10.30pm.

Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get her interested in food again?

Thank you so much.
First-time Mum to Amelie, born 3rd July 2005.

Offline Shdef

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Re: Refusing to eat at 9 months - just wants milk
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 08:54:58 am »
Is she maybe teething? Did you try to give her the food chilled? Or is she just not hungry? Could you post the routine? Or... does she try and feed herself? Maybe she doesn't want you to do it anymore, this can happen from about 8+months...

Offline LynnT

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Re: Refusing to eat at 9 months - just wants milk
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2006, 09:19:01 am »

I know it is very frustrating  ??? when these little people don't want to eat, especially when they have always been good eaters. I went through the same when Zoe was about 9 months, she suddenly refused to eat off a spoon, and even now (she was 1 on the 15th) will eat one or two mouthfuls and then refuses. I now put finger foods on a plate and let her feed herself (she loves baby peas), every now and then I get a spoon in when she is not looking.

If it is any consolation I have been told that they will not starve themselves and will eat when they are hungry. I think that the best we, as moms, can do is ensure that we provide the meals and then it is up to our little people to eat.

Hang in there, it does get better (I have a 3 yr old who is now a fantastic eater)

Paige - 09-12-2002
Zoe - 15-03-2005

Offline Scigsy

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Re: Refusing to eat at 9 months - just wants milk
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2006, 10:15:44 am »
Thanx for you replies LynnT and Scotts Maw.  Feeling a bit better to know that this could be just a phase - either teething or just wanting to feed herself (altho she will occasionally let me feed her a petit filous).

I have tried toasty fingers which she does eventually put in her mouth (amazing how non-food objects go straight in the gob whereas food has to be squished, pulped, smeared around face, pushed into my nose, her hair and ears before it goes anywhere near her mouth!!!) but with all this faff that goes on before hand, not much ends up being eaten!  I'll try some other finger foods and see how it goes.

As regards to being hungry, I did wonder that and have been trying to gradually cut her milk.  The aim was to reduce the lunch milk to zero and cut the DF, but its taking us a while.  Here's her schedule anyway:

6.30/7.00am - Wake up
7.15 - Breakfast.  Traditionally cereal and fruit.  6/7oz milk
11.30/12 - Lunch.  Something like a tomatoey pasta or veggies and chicken.  The last couple of days she's had marmite toasty fingers, but not much gets 'eaten'.  4/5oz milk (have been trying to reduce this, but as she's not eating, we've got stuck at 4/5oz!)
2.30/3 - 6oz milk
5.30 - Tea
6.30/7 - Bedtime.  6/7oz milk
10.30 - DF 4oz milk (as per lunchtime milk, trying to drop this gradually)

Thanks ladies! x
First-time Mum to Amelie, born 3rd July 2005.

Offline Shdef

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Re: Refusing to eat at 9 months - just wants milk
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2006, 11:31:20 am »
At that age it is important to get some additional iron into her, but a lot of the calories are still from milk, so you don't need to worry much about the health issue yet..

MARMITE ??? That's soooo funny. I have to tell that to DH. Marmite. Did she like it? You either love it or hate it but I find that it hurts a bit on thye gums.

Quote (selected)
amazing how non-food objects go straight in the gob whereas food has to be squished, pulped, smeared around face, pushed into my nose, her hair and ears before it goes anywhere near her mouth!!!


I would maybe go for chilled (because of teething) veggie fingerfood like cut carrots and stuff like that. Steamed peas and steamed carrots make nice fingerfood and they are healthy, too. Did you ever give her a banana?

Cutting down on milk is a good plan I think as well.

Good luck!

Offline Scigsy

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Re: Refusing to eat at 9 months - just wants milk
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2006, 12:43:31 pm »
Thanks again - will try not to get so frustrated and opt for finger stuff.

Don't know why I tried Marmite as I wasn't a Marmite baby and don't particularly like the stuff.  Just thought it would make the toastie fingers a bit more interesting.  I only show the toast the Marmite, so its not exactly spread on it!  She licks it off so presume it can't taste that bad to her!

I tried carrot fingers which weren't received with much enthusiasm.  Will persevere.

xx :)
First-time Mum to Amelie, born 3rd July 2005.