Author Topic: What's up? need 4-hour easy?  (Read 1238 times)

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Offline nathansmum

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What's up? need 4-hour easy?
« on: March 30, 2006, 15:33:39 pm »
Ok. so I don't know if I'm posting on the right board for this because I'm not sure of what my problem is... Here's what's going on, it might be long so bear w/ me:

I don't know where to start so I'll start w/ night...

We don't feed him in the night anymore depending on df maybe or another variable he will wake anywhere from 2-ish to 4-ish, we re-paci and then he's fine 'till 5-6-ish we usually try to re-paci again but usually around that time it doesn't work he needs to feed. Our day usually starts around 6-ish which I find really early (compared to 7) but I suppose this will only last a little bit before he can go longer (am I right?).

So our day starts and the morning feed is usually ok although not all the time... Then he goes down for a nap after around 1,5 hours. It's usually not easy but not as bad as it used to be. I don't know if it's that I'm putting him down too early or too late! I'm so unsure...  ??? We usually have to go back in 1 or 2 times to re-paci at the 45 min. mark. It usually goes well although I'm a little tired of this nap pattern and can't wait 'till he does a nap without interruption. And some of them are getting really crappy.

It all starts w/ the next feed: he'll start drinking (we BF by the way) He'll drink for maybe 4 min. (I hear him swallow) and then he starts crying. He seems to want to go back on but keeps going on and off and cries! So I switch sides and it starts over: feed around 4 min. and then the crying. What's up??? I tried burping which makes him angrier, putting him back on later which makes him cry, I don't know anymore?

I'm just not sure if it's supply (he seems ok between feeds though) or if I need to go to feeding every 4 hours. We had been on a 3,5 for a while but we seem to be back to 3. Is that something that would affect his naps and night time sleep also? But he seems so tired after 1 to 1,5 hours of awake time! Do I need to force him to stay up for a while to get him used to it??? But then, would he be overtired for a few days before it gets sorted out?

My brain is about to blow on me! I'm tired of not knowing if the problem is supply, 3 or 4 hour easy, too much day sleep, not enough day sleep, not enough calories, etc.!!!

Can anyone help me? I'm so tired of this. It seems like I've been trying to work this out forever and not getting it!
mom to Nathan - december 6, 2005
& Lilymae - June 20, 2008

Offline Lªuren

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Re: What's up? need 4-hour easy?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 18:53:38 pm »

Being on a 3 hr EASY too long can cause night wakings. Can you post your current routine, so we can look at your A time, etc?  How long can he stay awake for normally?
Lauren x

Offline nathansmum

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Re: What's up? need 4-hour easy?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2006, 20:06:01 pm »
Nathan's awake time seems to be around 1,5 hours. But right now I so terribly doubt my ability to read his signs...  :(
So here is a typical day in the past few weeks...

E: 6:33
A: BB mozart, mommy time
S:8:12 - 9:35 (with 45 min. wake-up & help back to sleep)

E: 9:42
A: tummy, floor, daddy time until 10:40
S: 10:55 - 12:43 (45min. by himself)

E: 12:47
A: tummy, floor, mom until 1:40
S: 1:50 - 3:45 (45 min. w/ help)

E: 3:50
A: (?)
S: 5:35 - 7:05 (awake from 6:06 to maybe 6:30-ish) we usually try to only have a 45 min -1 hour nap here but since he had a hard time w/ transition I let him sleep longer.

A: bath
E: 7:24
Down for the night @ 7:55

Dreamfeed @ 11:00 (usually around 10:30)
mom to Nathan - december 6, 2005
& Lilymae - June 20, 2008

Offline HeatherC

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Re: What's up? need 4-hour easy?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2006, 15:12:25 pm »
Marilyn, one suggestion I'd like to make is to try and have him back to bed for the night 12 hrs from morning wake time.  Of course, with a little longer catnap as per that schedule he was probably fine, but just a note for future reference.
As for the bobbing off and on, my dd did the same thing exactly around that age.  I thought it was reflux and her ped gave us meds, but I was never certain.  I can't really tell you what to do about that other than to ask on the bf'ing board.
His naps seem to be good, especially if he can resettle at the 45 min transition, even with help.  I think you're doing fine.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline Lªuren

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Re: What's up? need 4-hour easy?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2006, 18:21:12 pm »

Hope you got my last PM, sorry I have been on and off all day.

Yes, we are both in the same situation, our LO both need to get to bed earlier! It has made a difference with us already, so it certainly worth a try.

Good luck for tonight and keep us informed of how it goes.

P.S infacol is a drop for wind/colic (orange flavoured) you give it to your LO before feeding, it helps breakdown wind. By the sounds og it your LO is in pain.
Lauren x