Just wondering if you can give me some advice my LO is going to be 10 weeks on sunday and Im not sure if I should be extending him to four hour EASY. I feed him at 3 hours, he never actually cries for it and yesterday he went 4 hours between a feed in the afternoon and I actually ended up feeding him because my boobs where killing me. Some things that concern me are that his Activity time is so short, he feeds really quickly and always has done then he only seems to be playing for 10-15mins then starts showing tired signs, this results in him sometimes only being up for 30-40mins before Im trying to put him down, also this last week I cannot get him to sleep any more than 45 mins. Really don't know where I am going wrong. Should also let you know the last 2 nights he has managed 6 hour stretches between feeds. If I do go on to 4 hour easy will this disturb his night sleeping?