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Offline gracie bear

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so confused!!!
« on: March 31, 2006, 13:40:35 pm »
I started feeding my 4 month LO rice cereal at supper time she's eating it fine but still seems starved after. I give her a bottle and a tsp. of food. Should I be giving her more at the one feeding or more frequant during the day?and when I start feeding her otas next week do I still feed her rice cereal? PLease help so confused I get a million different answers from family and friends, but I seem to get better  advise from all of you. feed back would be great!
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Re: so confused!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 14:16:20 pm »
you could try feeding her  a bit more.....personally, I found that Rice cereal did NOTHING to fix the hungries for Cait.  I actually abandoned the rice early and went straight to the oatmeal cereal.  She seemed much more content and happy after that.

Not really any advice, just my personal experience.  It is always something....once you get this conquered, she will turn 9-10 months and won't eat at all.  ::)  As if we need more drama in our lives.  :)  Good luck....and always trust YOUR instincts.  WHAT do YOU think? 

Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!

Offline Lªuren

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Re: so confused!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 18:59:53 pm »
baby rice has less calories than formula/breastmilk, my DS didn't seem to notice he had had it. Have you been advised to start your Lo's weaning early?

Found this on the Pampers website, it may help   :-\

Lauren x

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Re: so confused!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2006, 03:12:55 am »
How many  bottle  is she having and how many in a bottle? Is she sleeping through the night? Were you advised to start this early?

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Offline kirsty_167

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Re: so confused!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2006, 08:36:04 am »
HI...natasha and Calums isnt unusual for babies who are bottle fed to be intorduced to solids at 4 months.I was told to do so for my son too as formula just wasnt enough for him,it may seem young but some babies just need it.It also depends on where you live (ie what country) and what doctor you have.Im in nz and breastfeed babies arent advised to be weaned onto solids until6 months but bottle fed babies are often recommended by drs to be introduced earlier to solids...not sure why but was the case for me especially with my son having reflux.

Gracie Bear,As for being hungry go with your babies cues but at this age the milk is the main source and only little amounts 1x a day are advised,by 5 months i was told to introduce a 2 nd meal of 1-2 tsp.My son has severe reflux so we cuoldnt just increase his milk as he would just bring it all up.We had to instead start solids at 4 months and build up his one meal a day slowly,from 1tsp for a few weeks then up to 2tsp and so on.We then gave him breakfast as well at 5 months.Now at 8 months he has all 3 meals.

I think the main thing at a young age is not to rush it and not to introduce to many foods as their digestive systems arent ready for it.Rice or oat cereal would be the best bets for a while.

Hope it all goes well for you.

Offline Lªuren

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Re: so confused!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2006, 10:29:16 am »
I also started DS on solids at 4mnths, but only on the advise of my HV only after DS was taking well over 35oz. What we are trying to find out is how much milk the Lo is getting in a day and if it has been OK by a doctor/HV or if graciebear has just wanted to give it a go. Milk is the main souce of intake at the moment, unless otherwise advise by a health prefessional.

 Your baby may be ready for solids when he:

    * Shows interest in what other people are eating.
    * Makes mouthing movements as he watches other people eat.
    * Is still hungry after having a good amount of breast milk or formula.
    * Doesn't push his tongue out at a spoon when you try to feed him.
    * Pulls in his lower lip for food instead of sticking it out.
    * Holds his head up on his own.
    * Sits upright easily with some support.

if you can let us know Graciebear then we can help you with a plan of action.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2006, 10:32:56 am by Calums_Mum »
Lauren x

Offline kirsty_167

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Re: so confused!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2006, 22:03:35 pm »
Hey Callums mum...i think my posting was interpreted wrong,,,i was just posting that in some countries we are given different information etc.Like i said im in nz and some things seem to be done so different here than in england.......i was told to start due to reflux (not that it helped it).................perhaps i should have worded my post differently...sorry.

How is it going Gracie Bear?


Offline gracie bear

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Re: so confused!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2006, 11:21:53 am »
sorry I took so long to reply..... computer problems!!
Thanks for all the advice. My doctor told me to start so soon. Grace only takes 3 bottles a day. I just listen to her cues like my doctor told me to, and she just seems to be hungary still, and dosen't want the bottle. She didn't enjoy the rice cereal at first but now she's a pro, after 4 days!!! but she dosen't seem to be filled from that at all, so I'm gonna try oats for awhile, then move up from there. I find she dosen't spit up at all after solids compared to her bottle which is spit up all the time. Anymore advice I would love to hear even different experinces you may have had. Thanks again for the info!!
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