My LO is on the 4hr easy. 95% of the time he sleeps between 9:15 and 10:45 and 1:00-1:15 to 2:45... a total of 3hrs and 15 minutes. He still, however, gets tired around 2 hours after waking from his last nap and I don't know how to long to give him for his 3rd nap? He gets tired and sleepy again at 4:45ish
Do I give a full sleep cycle or 45 minutes or should I wake him after 20 minutes?I feed at 6:45/7pm so I need him to be alert enough to feed well...
Here is his schedule:
BF 5.5 month old
7am wake and BF
9:15 - 10:45 Nap
11:00 Feed
11:30-1:00 Activity
1:00/1:15 Nap til 2:45
3:00 Feed
3:30- 4:45 Activity
4:45 - 5:30 Nap
5:30- 6:30 Activity then bath
6:45 Feed
7:20 asleep.
P.S. in the morning he can stay awake for about 2hrs and 20 minutes... After his first nap it goes down to 2hrs and 10 minutes and after his second nap he is tired again at the 2hr mark.
P.S.S he is waking a lot in the night - I think it is in part due to developmental - creeping
Otherwise, he is a good sleeper in that he can usually self soothe during his naps and during most of the night. He has a hard time sleeping after 4am.. this is when the creeping goes into full force.