Author Topic: EASY at daycare  (Read 982 times)

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Offline Lauren's Mom

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EASY at daycare
« on: March 31, 2006, 20:34:13 pm »
I am having trouble getting them to follow EASY at daycare. They are feeding her nearly every hour b/c they are misreading her tired cry for a hungry one. Now they told me she won't go to sleep without a bottle. I have a hard time telling them how to do their jobs, but has anyone had any experience with dealing with daycares? I've tried writing out her schedule, but they keep telling me "she was fussy, so we had to feed her." Help?

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Re: EASY at daycare
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2006, 12:14:35 pm »
Lauren's Mom

Hi there. I FEEL FOR YOU.  I have just gone through the same exact issues you are having as my daughter has been in daycare since she was a little over 3 months old.  She is now 5 1/2 months.

Upon other issues we had that were outside of the EASY schedule (very long story that I won't go into), they did have a hard time following the schedule.  Do you have it written out for them EXACTLY as you want her day to go?  My stomach was in knots every day as I would talk to them over and over about her schedule so they would get it right.  I finally had to write down the schedule for them, hour by hour and told them "this is how her day goes".  I made it very clear to them that (at that time) she ate every 3 hours.  I have to admit, they were good about keeping her to the feeding schedule. My issue was naps.  As you stated below, they do misread their cues.  I had them tell me a couple of times they had to feed her about 15 minutes early as she was "really hungry".  I knew she wasn't really hungry, she was just tired because she hadn't slept hardly all day! 

It all comes down to this.   You are her mom.  You know what she needs, not them.  I had to keep reminding myself of this as I would start to second guess myself.  Is there a director of the center you can talk to?  I would try this first.  Just let him/her know how important it is to you that they keep on her EASY schedule.  I do still have problems with naps as she sleeps better at home than at daycare, but she does get some nap time, so I will take it.

In the end, I ended up switching daycares.  It was for numerous reasons.  It was the BEST thing I could have done.  She is at a great place now and they are very good about following her schedule and giving me feedback, which is great!  I don't want to say that this is the path you should take, but it may be something you want to consider.  You need to feel confident that she is being well taken care of while you are at work, and it sounds like you aren't currently able to do that.  Don't get me wrong, I didn't just switch daycares at the snap of a finger. I actually fretted about it for about 2 months as I just kept giving them a chance to get it right.  It just wasn't that big of a deal to them, which I figured out in the end.

I hope this helps.  Please let me know how things progress.  Just trust your gut instinct.  I wish I would have trusted mine a couple of months earlier :P