I just started DS on solids. Although he's only 4 months old, he's a big baby (7.5 kgs) and his doc gave me the ok.
Well, I've started giving him fruit (apple, and today is pear), stewed and very well pureed. He knows the spoon, so that's not an issue.
My mom told me to give him the fruit first and then his milk (I'm breastfeeding), but when I did so the first day, he didn't drink much milk (obviously). So then I read in Tracy's book and Gina Ford's, that milk is still nourishment-source number one at this age, thus on day 2 I breastfed him first and then gave him his fruit, but he didn't eat much (a bit more than one teaspoon). Did the same yesterday (day 3), but he didn't eat much either.
My question is do I breastfeed him as much as he wants first and then give him his fruit OR give him his fruit first and then his milk?

Aslo, the way I'm doing it is that on day 1, I was supposed to give him on teaspoon, on day 2, 2 teaspoons, day 3, 3 teaspoons, and so on, until 10 teaspoons. (That's the way my mom did it with us, and we turned up pretty well). So if I do fruit first, he will obviously cut back on his 11am feed big time... and that could lead to me drying up, right? Or maybe b/feed him first for 5 mins only and then the fruit? Or space the solids throughout the day, among its feeds? He's on a 4 hous EASY.
Thanks for reading and I'll appreciate any advice or feedback.