Author Topic: Can they live of air?  (Read 1251 times)

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Can they live of air?
« on: April 01, 2006, 14:43:50 pm »
Hi... I know we do not have to pressure upon food, but it is so hard! Dd has never been a great eater, and she does not like milk. So she only drinks 8 oz at 7 pm. For breakfast she can have 5 squares of a sandwich and a small jar of baby food. Thats it! Lunch a 2nd stage jar of chicken and veggies and for dinner a 2nd stage fruit jar or 5 spaghettis and  5 squares of chicken. That is her whole day food. She have some juice, but only some sips during the day.  Is that enough? I know some babies eat more than others, but for me I think it is so few...  Sometimes she would not finish her complete jar...  I try not to stress, but... please tell me she is feeding OK and will be growing OK...  Dr. says she is growing, and she is on her age weight, but.... is it really enough? Thanks!  ???
« Last Edit: April 01, 2006, 16:11:55 pm by Mom2Ximena »
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Re: Can they live of air?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2006, 14:54:27 pm »
Is she drinking anything else?  Water, juice?
With regards to the food - if she's happy and gaining weight, I wouldn't worry too much.  Some days all DS1 eats is 2 slices of toast and a handful of grapes.
If you are worried though, see your dr, get your mind put at rest.
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Re: Can they live of air?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2006, 15:38:55 pm »
That's actually a pretty decent amount of solids. Is that morning bottle really all she's drinking? If so, you might want to try and get some more liquid into her, either by sippy, mixing formula into purees and cereal, or cutting back on solids so she'll possibly be more interested in bottles or sippies. I've found myself asking soooo many times if kids can just live on air, and sometimes they really can...some days my 2 yr old eats next to nothing as well. As long as the dr is happy and she's thriving (and judging from your pics, she definitely is!), she's regulating her own appetite just fine.
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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