OK, Cate is 10.5 months, just started walking, and takes a paci at night and for naps. She had a cold...is getting over it.
6:30 wake/BF
7:30 breakfast
9:30-10 nap (1-2 hours)
noon BF/Lunch
1:30 or 2 nap(1-2 hours)
3:300 BF/snack
5:30 dinner/play/bedtime routine (same every day)
7-7:30 in bed (usually falls asleep fine but I need to stay in there)
SHE EATS TONS, and I am about to start weaning her to whole milk, one feeding every 2-3 weeks. MD said it's OK, I give hr a vitamin supplement.
She is getting more teeth, I give her Tylenol at night, but it has never truly prolonged her sleep.
When she wakes at night I wait a minute or two then go in (she's usually standing and jumping - sometimes seems awake, sometimes seems to be sleep walking)
Settles fine every waking EXCEPT at 2-3am and then she'll be up 1-2 hours.
She almost always still hasher paci in her mouth.
Since she had a cold I was comfort feeding her at night. NO FEEDS FOR THE LAST 2 nights.
Last night she slept with me because I really needed some sleep. She seems to sleep solidly early in the night and early in the morning. She tossed and turns much of the night - she seems to not be able to get comfortable. (I am guessing when in her crib this is when she's call out for me - in be with me she feels me, so eventually settles down on her own).
The cry is usually frustrated to be awake or just wants me near. I had done CC against my better judgement and she seemed more clingy after 3-4 nights. Since I have seemed to regain her trust.
So please help with some opinions!!!!! This has been ongoing for a LONG time. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. Lately the wakings have been every 2 hours on the dot. I have tries a soother, silence, pillow, no pillow.
I am going with the flow, but wish she would just learn to sleep or be in her crib all night without calling out.
TIA, Beata