My lo is nearly 10 months old and last week at her check-up we discovered she is borderline anemic. The nurse wasn't too concerned, but I would sure like to get more iron into her because I know it is so important for her development.
I'm finding it challenging to get more iron-rich foods into her because she doesn't eat much solid food and she refuses to let me feed her. She eats Cheerios (which are iron fortified), frozen whole-wheat bagels, dried peaches & apricots and blueberries. I've tried to give her tofu, but not much makes it into her mouth. She just mashes it up. I haven't introduced meat. I was hoping to delay or avoid meat as I'm a vegetarian, but if there isn't another way to get her iron up, I'll do it. What is the best way to prepare/present turkey as a finger food?
Any ideas for non-meat iron-rich finger food?
I know it is best to combine iron-rich foods with foods that are rich in vitamin C, so I've been giving her some mango nectar (lots of Vit-C). I've tried to give her some pieces of vitamin c rich fruit, but she has a hard time picking it up. I'll try coating the fruit in Cheerios as I saw was suggested on this site.
She is breast fed. If I increase my iron intake will it help her?
I'd appreciate any suggestions!