Author Topic: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?  (Read 1643 times)

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What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« on: April 02, 2006, 04:51:38 am »
DD doesn't like milk.
For 10 days she's only been getting 600ml a day and she should be haivng 900ml.
We've changed bottles, formula, hot cold etc.
She didn't feed all night and woke up and had 75ml, it's not enough!
We took her to the docs yesterday andhe said if it doesn't change in 2 days bring her back.
What do babies have when they don't like milk?

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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 07:17:10 am »
Have you tried giving it in a sippy cup to see it she takes it from that? Failing that try water, is her fontenelle sunken on her head? This is a sure sign she is dehydrated and babdly needs fluids. Are you still getting wet nappies?

What is she doing to let you know she is finished? Hav you tried goving a 5 - 10 min break? Have you ruled out an intolerance of any kind?
Did the doctor give any reasons as to why you needed to wait a further 2 days, if it has been going on for 10?
Lauren x

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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2006, 12:01:53 pm »
Thanks for replying.
No we haven't tried a sippy cup.
Water she likes, and gripe water. She's not dehydrated, lots of very wet nappies and the doc checked her fontanelle yesterday.
She stops sucking and plays with the bottle as if it's a dummy when she's had enough. She wriggles a lot and she sometimes pulls a 'yuk' face.
We have lots of breaks, and burps.
The doc wanted us to try another formula for 2 days.
She may be lactose intolerant, i suppose.
I wonder if she just finds the formula too rich and creamy compared to BM.

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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2006, 12:08:24 pm »
Are you on a 3 or 4hr EASY?

It may be if your on 3hr EASY that she is not hungry and that is why she isn't taking as much.
Lauren x

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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2006, 12:11:55 pm »
Have you just switched to formula from breast? When my dd went from breast to bottle at 4.5 months she would only ever drink 4 oz or less at one feed. I think the formula is a lot richer and more filling than the breast milk. If she is not dehydrated and is happy then the doctor won't be able to do a lot. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!!! Babies are all so different, some drink 50oz + per day, others only 20 or so. If your LO is happy and not losing weight then don't worry!

Calum's mum makes a good point too, try feeding her 4 hourly. Whenever my dd dropped the amount she was drinking it was a sure sign that it was time to drop a bottle!
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Offline blinky

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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2006, 13:03:51 pm »

WE switched from EBM to formula because EBM was giving her hideous gas and griping pains. she was much more comfortable on formula.
We were on 4 horu EASY but i switched it back to 3 because i thought she needed smaller meals more regularly because she wouldn't take more than 100ml at any one time.
I weighed her today, she's 5.4kg today, she was 5.3kg 3 days ago so she's not losing weight and all her nappies are wet.
She certainly seems to be happy.
I've just read another post about a baby who wouldn't feed and the mother gave her Mam orthodontic teat and lactose free formula. I['m going to give today's new formula another day (ie tomorrow) and then go to the docs again. After that I'll try the lactose free S26.

Thanks for your help

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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2006, 17:59:57 pm »
Blinky, my 3 month ds did the same thing. We move to 4 hour EASY and now he is taking his bottles. Also, from the advice from another BW, try waiting a little after your LO wakes. She may not be ready to eat right when she wakes.

Why kind of formula do you use? Maybe just a change in formula will help. But do it gradually, don't want to upset her tummy. 

I thought mine was disliking the formula. I really think he did dislike the ready to feed milk from Similac. But other than that the 4 hour EASY worked well.


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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2006, 18:35:52 pm »
How much does your ds drink at each feed? Thanks for the tip on waiting a bit after she wakes.

We've jsut had a successful cluster feed! 
She had 120ml both at 6pm and 8pm
I hope this is the way things are to go!  :)

We're using Nan1 today - we were using S26 gold before.

We'll see how it goes.

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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2006, 22:28:45 pm »
Blinky, my ds drinks anywhere from 5oz to 7oz. His morning feeds he usually takes less, but by the end of the day he usually takes between 6 & 7. I only offer 6 at the dreamfeed, but it seems to sustain him until the morning.

Not sure what Nan1 and S26 gold are, I am assuming those are your brands of formula. Good luck with the change.


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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2006, 18:30:04 pm »
Which type of formula are you using....ready made, concentrate or powder?  I know the concentrate is thinner than ready made, and the powder is even thinner.  Maybe you could try one of those to see if the consistancy is closer to BM?  Hope that helps.  Good luck.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 18:57:19 pm by caydensmama »
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Re: What does a 4mo drink when she doesn't like milk?
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 16:34:55 pm »
Thank you  :D

We're using Nan1 which is a powder and we changed from S26 which was also a powder
I think she just hated the s26 as now we're doing so much better.  Sheh ad 145ml at 5pm and another 165 after her bath  :o
I've never seen her drink so much.
But thank goodness, what a relief.
Thanks so much for your help